Nations and peoples should always forgive the wrongs of the past. Evaluate this view.

Points discussing if nations and people should always forgive the wrongs of the past

  • show an understanding of the nature and role of forgiveness, in a national and personal context
  • discuss the extent to which past wrongdoing should always be forgiven
  • make a judgement, based on consideration of the evidence and argument put forward about.
  • the role of forgiveness for past wrongdoing in international relations
  • whether past actions can or should be forgiven depends on their intention, nature and impact
  • the severity, duration and reach of the impact of the wrongdoing needing to be taken into account
  • it being necessary to forgive the wrongs of the past in order to move forward and maintain economic, personal and diplomatic relationships
  • countries, their governments and people being more worthy of forgiveness if they show genuine remorse
  • attempts to make up for past actions and for repairing the damage done
  • some actions by countries, especially during the war, being so terrible that forgiveness may be extremely difficult
  • it may take a long period of time before forgiveness takes effect.