The most successful businesses make the biggest profits. Evaluate this view.

Possible Points for discussing whether most successful businesses make the biggest profits

  • consider the importance of making profits in business
  • discuss other factors which may contribute to a business’s success
  • make a judgement, based on consideration of the evidence and argument put forward about most successful businesses.
  • businesses needing profits to survive; exceed their operational costs, gain market share and wide recognition of their brand
  • business owners, employees, shareholders and other stakeholders requiring the business to make a profit
  • alternative goals; providing a useful or novel product or service or solving an existing problem
  • some business owners simply wish to develop or share a skill, talent or love for their product or service
  • the calculation of ‘biggest profits’ depends on the scale of the business and its revenue-to-cost ratio
  • profit and ethics not being mutually exclusive; profitable businesses can more easily achieve philanthropy, ethical sourcing or greener practices
  • environmental, social, animal welfare or ethical credentials being a unique selling point
  • other success factors including market influence, brand recognition, customer service and treatment of employees.