Essay Questions GP (A-Levels)

Essay Questions GP (A-Level). Have a look at these Essay Questions GP from A-Level past papers.

  1. ‘Too much attention is given to criminals; not enough to their victims.’ Is this true?
  2. Would it matter if all the performing arts venues in your society, such as concert halls and theatres were closed down?
  3. Examine the claim that the world is too dependent on oil.
  4. ‘Entrepreneurship is just another name for personal greed.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
  5. Consider the view that the study of mathematics is intellectually satisfying, but of little practical use.
  6. ‘There is no such thing as luck. People determine their own lives.’ Do you agree?
  7. ‘Instead of speeding up the pace of life, we should be slowing it down.’ What do you think?
  8. The most influential individuals in history are those who have caused the most harm.’ How far would you accept this view?
  9. ‘History records male acts, written by males and holds little interest for females as a result.’ Is this a fair comment?
  10. ‘Instead of speeding up the pace of life, we should be slowing it down.’ What do you think?
  11. Should crimes that were committed many years ago simply be forgotten?
  12. Is there still a place for charity in today’s world?