Historical figures that have caused the most harm are the most influential. How far do you agree?

The undeniable truth is that the most influential individuals in history are those who have done the most good, and not the most harm. Historical figures like Mandela, Che Guevera and Einstein have imparted ideas and values that still continue to inspire people. Their influence cannot be measured against vile and vicious leaders.

Historical figures are those people who have left a significant mark on people and have influenced society or the world in one way or another. Many historical figures are remembered because of their heroic deeds and their name is taken with love and respect. While others are known for their atrocities and tyranny and sheer thought of these people brings feelings of disgust and anger. It would be myopic to say that historical figures that have caused the most harm are most influential. Those that have worked tirelessly to make a difference in this world are far more many than the few that have caused the most harm.

People who are of the view that we remember historical figures of the harm they cause, may often cite examples of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. These people plundered and caused destruction of life and land. So cruel were their actions that millions of people faced atrocities like genocide, ethnic cleansing, slavery, and arbitrary homicide. Their actions are still remembered by many people today and their name is spoken with utter disdain but it would be difficult to accept that they left a lasting influence of their ethos and pathos. 

However, there are people in history who have done great deeds and have left a legacy. Though people may feel sad and grieve about people who have lost lives during the atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein or Muamar Ghaddhafi, people cannot forget the historical heroes who worked for the greater good of the society and left a legacy for people which is still followed. The teachings of Mahatma Gandhi of truth and non-violence resonate with people even today. Similarly, the teachings of The Dalai Lama about patience, tolerance and forgiveness has immense influence on people.  Thus, it can be said that historical figures that have done good leave a better and lasting influence on people than historical figures who have harmed the humanity.

Many historical figures like artists, philosophers and scientists have provided insights into the workings of the world. There are also those who have invented and discovered things that have impacted humans in great ways. For example, writers like Gabriel García Márquez has influenced writers and readers across the world. His influential works like One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera has inspired modern writers like Salman Rushdie to adopt Marquez’s style of writing and has used it in many of his novels. Words of William Shakespeare too hold significant power today. No English literature class is complete without studying his works. Art of Frida Kahlo, portrayed the struggle for self-determination in the lives of women still connects with many women and men today. Thus, people who have influenced society in a positive way by portraying their society in real form and trying to bring change have had a greater influence than people who have harmed the humanity.

There are those who argue that those who have caused the most harm leave a lasting influence. It is true in some sense because it helps people in avoiding the mistakes the historical figures made. For instance, some may assert that the memory of the Holocaust under Hitler’s reign will prevent humanity from repeating such an atrocity. However, this is not true because evil acts are a part of society if historical atrocities are a reminder that we should not commit these crimes then why do racial prejudice, islamophobia and sentiments like anti-Semitism still exist? People like Hitler have simply been replaced by men like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who once declared his intention to wipe Israel “off the world map”. In fact, majority of the middle east harbours the harshest anti-Semitic sentiments.  The media channels in these countries also use provocative Nazi-like language that oppose Israel and the West. Therefore, it can be said that good historical figures leave a lasting impact on people and bring positive change, however, tyrannical historical figures do not leave any guidelines for people or do not inspire others to be less evil.

The undeniable truth is that the most influential individuals in history are those who have done the most good, and not the most harm. Historical figures like Mandela, Che Guevera and Einstein have imparted ideas and values that still continue to inspire people. Their influence cannot be measured against vile and vicious leaders.

Why should we be concerned with current affairs when most of them will soon be forgotten?

After all, ignorance is not always bliss. In the words of Dalai Lama, “Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.”

People spend hours watching news and debates on CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera, in an effort to keep abreast of the current socioeconomic issues. Current news provides us with much needed information about the issues people are facing around the world. The news of today can also help us in understanding the incidents which may happen in the future. Thus, it is important that people follow the current affairs because if we do not pay attention about the decisions which are taken around the world it will have a negative impact on countries, economies and common people.

People who hold the view that people should not be concerned about current affairs often suggest that it is a waste of time. These news pieces are short-lived and may not influence the people on a global level. In a world of technology, we are bombarded with news that is transient and short-lived in nature. However, just because, a current event might not have relevance in the future it does not mean that it is not important today. Being aware of current affairs is necessary because some issues can affect us as well and can also pose a threat. For example, the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat is something one needs to be aware of. That is because only awareness can help in prevention of the disease. If people are not aware of the coronavirus news, then they might risk their lives as well as the lives of others. Current news can help us to take precautionary messages and can save hundreds of lives. An example of this can be the news about Ukrainian Airlines plane being accidentally shot down by Iran which prompted other airlines to avoid airspace near Iran and Iraq. Thus, current affairs news can be a life saviour for many and people should keep themselves updated about current affairs.

Current world news not only makes people aware about threats but also about opportunity. In a globalised world, current affairs can also open up avenues for people to understand current market trends. One example of this is companies profiting from selling masks and hand sanitisers at exorbitant prices because of the ongoing, coronavirus threat. Another example can be of Just Inc., a food and beverage company which makes plant-based egg products which received multiple inquiries and from Chinese food companies seeking animal-free protein sources amid the coronavirus outbreak. The impasse between Russia and Saudi Arabia over the price and production of oil or the ongoing spat between India and Malaysia regarding the palm oil  create opportunities for forex and commodity traders as well as businessmen. Thus, by keeping in touch with current news, people can profit and succeed in life.

Though most of the current events would be forgotten in the future, it does not mean all news will meet a similar fate. The events that affect people today can also have a lasting impact on people and the world. For example, Indian mission of Chandrayaan-2 of sending an orbiter, lander, and rover to Moon’s southern hemisphere will be remembered by many in the future. Similarly, Joseph Schooling winning Singapore’s first-ever Olympic gold would always be remembered even by the future generations. People who are sceptical of following current may argue that today’s current news does not have much significance. However, if people do not follow current news then they might remain unaware about significant events that occur around the world.

In conclusion, people should be interested and concerned about current affairs because these news pieces inform, alert and raise awareness among millions of people.  If people follow current news, then they can also exploit opportunities to gain profits and make informed choices.  One has to be aware about the surroundings around the world. After all, ignorance is not always bliss. In the words of Dalai Lama, “Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.”

Contemporary music has no artistic value. Comment.

While the wholesome songs of John Denver, Kenny Rogers, or Stevie Wonder do not attract young audiences, they have John Legend, Kanye West and Selena Gomez to keep them entertained and grounded to modern day dilemmas.

Traditionalists hold the view that contemporary music spreads violent messages, citing Watain and other black heavy metal bands besides gangta rappers like Easy-E, Tupac and Ice Cube. Contemporary music, though rambunctious and eclactic, does not lack artistic value because it connects with people in today’s society. It would be superflous to say that it lacks originality and creativity. It is incorrect to accuse contemporary music for not having any artistic value.

Today’s music does not lack creativity.  Many musicians create music which has a lot of artistic value.  Singers like Adele,  Nick Jonas and less known Rachel Yamagata and Angie Mattson are musicians who create music which is original and artistically of high-quality. The music created by them is touching and can connect with people on an emotional level.  Today’s music does have artistic value in many ways.

Today’s music also has lyrics which are highly poetic, crafted in a unique style. An example of this can be Nerina Pallot’s Idaho which is beautifully crafted and has a melodious rhyme. The song is often considered as a representation of life.  Contemporary musicians have also used their music to touch the souls of many individuals. For example, Taylor Swift’s song ‘You need to calm down’ raised awareness about social media trolling and the LGBTQ community.  Therefore, if the artistic value is equated with meaning, then-contemporary songs are equally artistic to folk music.

Even mainstream commercial artists create music that is meaningful and incredible. Contemporary music also provides a unique spiritual and emotional experience.  An example of this can be Lady Gaga, who uses the word ugly in multiple ways in her music. Similarly, contemporary K-pop music like the music by Korean boy-band, BTS, have songs with social messages. It is considered that their music emphasises on sound songcraft rather than experimentation for the sake of it. Thus, it proves that contemporary music is meaningful in an artistic way.

Contemporary music is also driver of social change. In the majority of the cases, the success rate might be very slow but we cannot deny their artistic value in moving masses with their songs and music into action. For example, Beyoncé has one of the largest platforms in the world and frequently uses it to champion the polarising Black Lives Matter movement. Similarly, pop stars like Lil Dicky and Grimes are using their music and their huge followings to gain vital coverage of climate change.  Contemporary music is a medium through which people expresses their feelings, aspirations and fears. As music can very broadly be defined as a means to convey an artist’s message to the audience. Under this definition, contemporary music has artistic value.

There is no denying that there is music that is meaningless and distasteful. Some artists are purposeful in their choice of song, so that media can create the buzz for them to stay relevant. For example, various songs by Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus can come under this category. Avril Lavigne’s song “Dark Blonde” is a failed attempt at a girl-power anthem and proof of artistic snobbery. All these issues may result in the belief that there is a lack of artistic merit in contemporary music. However, not all songs can be judged on the basis of a few bad songs. Therefore, though there are songs that lack in artistic value, not all contemporary songs are similar. Modern people also want to be entertained by music. They are not different from the people of the past; they too crave for music that feeds their soul and connects with them on an emotional level based on present world challenges.  The good part about contemporary music is that it has songs that cater to varying tastes and moods of people. Contemporary music has artistic value.

Music is about evolution of social issues and dreams of people. While the wholesome songs of John Denver, Kenny Rogers,  or Stevie Wonder do not attract young audiences, they have John Legend, Kanye West and Selena Gomez to keep them entertained and grounded to modern day dilemmas. Contemporary music has artistic value.

A picture is more powerful than words. Discuss.

Though many might believe that pictures hold a greater power, the claim is not completely justified. This is because words tend to be more influential as it has the power to influence people mentally and emotionally.

Technological advancements in the modern age have allowed people to have access to media more than ever before. Through apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Tumblr, people can share and view images which are mundane to the mind-boggling. A picture is more powerful than words.

Critics of words suggest that images have more power than words because they capture the imagination of society in an impactful manner. There is little doubt that images are considered more creative than words and have contributed largely to the society in positive ways. For example, the artist Banksy is known to highlight powerful messages through his art. Similarly, in the earlier times many artists like Goya, Picasso and Jacques Louis David had tried to revolutionize the world through their art. Photographs like A Man on the Moon or Steve McCurry’s Afghan Girl are considered important images that has changed the course of history. Photographs have also captured the horrors of war which has led to huge emotional response. Notable photographs include the Napalm Girl, which showed the impact of American war in Vietnam. Thus, it can be said that images have exposed the horrors that exist in the world. As such, a picture is more powerful than words.

Critics  of pictures valiantly promote the view that despite the allure of pictures and videos, words still hold a significant place. They explify their stand by citing the ever increasing sales of novels, books and magazines. For example, J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter is still popular; books like 1984 by George Orwell and Killing a Mockingbird by Harper Lee continue to leave a lasting impact on new audiences. Words are a powerful medium is also evident from the fact that, people continue to buy self-help books. For example books like “You can heal your Life” by Louise Hay and “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho have sold millions of copies and continue to inspire people and guide them to live a successful and happy life. Words are an elixer that soothes the mind and soul. Hence, pictures are not always more powerful.

However, pictures do not always convey the intended meaning and sometimes the people fail to connect with pictures on an emotional level. Words have a more lasting impact and can stand the test of time. For example, Shakespeare’s plays like Hamlet, The Last Lear and As you Like, use words that evoke a series of emotions that people can still relate to in present times. The mastery of his words continues to inspire and impress people around the world even today. In fact, many phrases used by people in daily life are actually from Shakespeare’s plays. His dialogues like “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” are repeated and considered a metaphor for life even today.

Images of Mahatma Gandhi exemplify peaceful resistance. The famed head portrait of Che Guevera subliminally depict the fight against oppression. When Malala Yousufzai’s or Greta Thunberg’s stand to deliver the views, it is images that we first connect to, not words. Historically, the mushroom cloud over Hiroshima is still etched in all our minds. In more contemporary times, the incessant media coverage on Trump has painted in our minds a certain view of him. It is pictures that move and mould our thinking. Not words. A picture is more powerful than words.

No single word has changed the world, but a single picture has.