• evaluate how successfully recycled materials are used for arts and crafts
• make a judgement, based on a consideration of the evidence and argument put forward.
• creative recycling being good for the environment forming the basis of money making projects
• the transformation of trash into various forms of art and design
• entrepreneurs starting their business ventures by collecting and repurposing unwanted items
• mosaics and other art forms being made from recycled material
• countries using recycled materials for arts and crafts that represent their local culture
• plastic waste which is a major problem being transformed for decorative purposes
• not all waste materials can be successfully recycled or lending themselves to producing arts and crafts
• recycling negatively impacting manufacturing companies and having a detrimental effect on the local economies.
Category: Arts
To what extent can children’s literature be enjoyed by adults?
• examine examples of children’s literature
• consider the contexts in which so-called children’s literature can be enjoyed by adults
• make a judgement, based on the consideration of the evidence and argument put forward.
• the nostalgic value of adults encountering literature from their childhood
• children’s books often being very ‘adult’ in realism, emotional and psychological depth
• genres having crossover appeal in both children’s and adult literature
• many popular works of literature among adults were originally written for children
• whether adults can enjoy them may depend on the recommended age of the children’s books
• some popular works of literature have versions for children often lacking the depth of adult versions
• stories for children evoking only children’s experiences and their own autonomous world
• definitions of what constitutes literature for adults and literature for children often being blurred.
‘Music is meant primarily for the individual’s private enjoyment.’ Discuss.
Music, though evolved with the aid of technology, still significantly retains its trait of bringing people together as people groove to the music, not alone but together. Music is a public expression of one’s feelings and emotions that are made so that others can feel what that one person feeling. Thus, It is not true that music is meant for private enjoyment. Music is mainly for group enjoyment.
Music, an expression of one or a few emotions and thoughts. It is therefore not created solely for the enjoyment of one in their own private time but created that the masses can be in sync with the people that produce or post the music. Music also has religious purposes. Such music gives the congregation a special feeling and fellowship. Buddhism uses music to further emphasize their values to their followers. Values of patience and compassion are being inculcated into various songs so that Buddhists can be constantly reminded of the need to practice such virtues.
Similarly, Christians and Catholics have hymns and songs of praises to praise the Lord and to remind them of the goodness and kindness of the Lord in their everyday life. Although Christian music has evolved from hymn to rock or any other modern genres, the purpose of their music is still the same, to bring people together and live the values espoused in the music collectively. Thus it would be silly to say that music is meant only for an individual’s own enjoyment when there is such a significant purpose of music that spreads across every major religion around the world.
Additionally, music is used to integrate people on so many levels; to throw music to the other end of the spectrum would be a gross generalisation. Music brings the world together. Karaoke is best enjoyed in a group. Music concerts become more entertaining when the group participates. Song contests and reality shows like American Idol, The Voice and Eurovision are all testament that music is a form of energy best heard loud and in a group.
Pop-punk listeners are generally a vibrant bunch. Country and Indie music listeners usually have a more emotional and kinder side to them. Music allows a peek into the listener’s personality. But the reality is that people find other music enthusiasts to connect and be friends. Thus even on an individual level, music is not primarily used for one’s private enjoyment only. Sure, headphones and in-ear devices have been made for private enjoyment, but primarily, it is the collective synchronicity that makes music worthwhile.
Some people use music to distress or relax. Classical music can soothe the mind. One can argue that such music is adhered to individual needs and provides the outlet through which one can address and satisfy one’s needs. Gym enthusiasts have their own playlists to help enhance their workout, and heartbroken lovers can seek a special song to soothe their soul. Music in all its capabilities and connotations does provide for the avenue to address one’s emotions and even change them, but the truth is that music is constructed for the masses and not an individual.
While opportunities exist for music to be privately enjoyed, the reason for its existence is a collective one. Music is a glue that binds generations and even religious groups. While we individually may hear a bird chirp, it in reality chirps for the whole world. The same is with music. Music is meant for collective enjoyment, not private.
Protected: Mixing art with technology has led to the debasement of true art. Do you agree?
Protected: ‘Let the love of Arts be for the sake of money.’- How far is this reflective of modern society?
Protected: In areas of knowledge such as the Arts and Sciences, do we learn more from work that follows or breaks with accepted conventions?
Which singer, musician or band, would you most like to see performing live? Explain why that would make a difference to your appreciation of the music.
Explain why that would make a difference to your appreciation of the music.
• Examples are obviously required
• Accept a live performance that you regret not being able to experience
• Reasons for wanting to experience a live performance not previously experienced
• Detailed reasons for current taste and/or enthusiasm must be given
• Individual performers may be focused on; a singer or a musician
• Several performers may be focused on; a band
• The various elements that comprise live performance need to be addressed
• Emotion, atmosphere, solidarity, excitement, are some of the above
• The visual adds an extra dimension to the aural experience
• Charity performances and their significance
• Might encourage people to become musicians themselves
• The differences between home entertainment and venues outside of the home and how these impact our appreciation of the music
To what extent has the music of your country influenced the rest of the world?
Possible points for how the music of your country influenced the rest of the world
• Examples are essential
• Country and Western
• India and the Beatles for example
• Africa, the Blues and Jazz
• Reasons for the influence
• Politics and protest
• The folk tradition
• Remember it is music of your country
• Composers, singers, and songwriters may be mentioned
• South America and the Tango for example
• Sacred music – Gregorian chants for example
Puppetry is one of the world’s most ancient performing arts. How significant is this art form today?
Points for/against how significant is puppetry as an art form today
•Skills of puppetry in animation
• Can tell a story
• Stage plays
• Can be used for political reasons
• Festivals and carnivals
• Can be used as a warning
• Commedia dell’Arte
How far has music, art or theatre influenced your outlook on the world?
Points for music, art or theatre influenced your outlook on the world.
• “the world” may be interpreted in several ways; an international, local, intellectual or
• music, art or theatre from a philosophical perspective
• Gender, generation, political leanings, may be relevant
• The influences may be external; concerts, galleries, visits to the theatre
• The influences may come from home entertainment; CDs, Internet, TV, Radio
• Without examples the higher mark bands cannot be accessed
• Allow various art forms; dance, ballet, film for example
• Consider commenting on lack of access to a wider culture
• Evaluate the effect of personal experiences on how to view the world is shaped