‘It is not the singer but the song that counts.’ How far do you agree?

song that counts

Keywords: ‘singer’ and ‘song’ and ‘How far’ and ‘agree’.

Musicals – songs linked with the plot e.g. Evita and Les Miserables show that the performance is more important than the song.
Classic songs covered by many but original singer captivates audiences, eg Elvis
Song-writing requires talent and creativity. Singing can be practiced and improved. Songs can be personal/emotional/universal in theme – people identify with them
The popularity of karaoke – singer entertains despite variable quality
Recognition of the need for a ‘good voice’ – ability to capture the emotions of words through pitch and tone. Hitting the right note is important for legedary songs, eg John Lenon’s Imagine
A singer could ruin the song
Melody or rhythm can be more important than the song