‘Studying the history of your own country is of more value than studying the history of other countries.’ How far would you agree with this statement?

studying the history of your own country

Possible points for studying the history of your own country is of more value

• Identity/belonging/pride
• Studying the history of your own country is easier due to access to sites/documents/evidence
• More real/interesting/meaningful
• To understand the political evolution of their country (well informed when making choices/ voting)
Other Countries:
• Avoids isolationism
• Own country’s place in world history
• Often the produce of other influences/countries/civilisations
• Migration is constant – necessary to widen studies
• The processes of human development are common to many countries
• Political borders are relatively recent developments

Both ‘your country’ and ‘other countries’ need to be considered followed by a reasoned conclusion addressing ‘more value’

Author: GpAdmin

I live Gp.