Movies and television can never replace books. Discuss.

An essay that needs A LOT of improvement.

movies and television

Can books be replaced by movies and television? Books exist since the invention of writing systems and everyone owns one so the invention of books is much earlier than the invention of movies and television. Movies and television were invented after the invention of books. Movies and television give people variety of choices. Both provide sensory stimulation and excitement. However movies and television cannot replace books as books give readers a very personal experience and allow people’s imagination to go wild. Books keep the brains active hence it is my opinion to say that movies and TV can never replace books.

Cinema and television provide people with a variety of choices. There are millions of movies and television programmes that exist in the world now. People can choose on their own from the variety of choices. Instead of reading a book, people can watch a movie. However not only movies and television provide people with a variety of choices, books give people a variety of choices too. In fact, most of the movies and TV are based on books. For example, the famous book series, Harry Potter, the movies of Harry Potter are originated from books written by J.K Rowling. If movies and television provide people with a variety of choices, books do provide too as movies and television are originated from books.

Films and television give people sensory stimulation and excitement. These two have sound and visual effects to attract people. With the sound effects or background music, mov ies and television create tension that catches people’s attention. With fanciful images, catchy music and emotional acting, people have more appeal to moving images. However books give people a very personal experience while holding a book. When one is reading a book, the interaction is between the person and the book. This gives people a personal space while reading a book. Books allow people’s imagination to flow freely. Unlike movies and television which guide the viewers, books allow the readers to escape into their own world while reading. Books restrict the readers’ mind and ways of thinking. Therefore movies cannot replace books.

A lot of books are made into movies nowadays. People usually prefer to watch a movie before reading the book. Movies are shorter and can save time. An average length of a movie is about one and a half hours long. For example, comparing the people who have watched the movie, Twilight, and people who have read the book series, more people have watched the movie series than reading the book series. This is evident that people prefer books to movies. However without books, there would be no films. People get ideas from books to produce film. As books are invented before the invention of television, books are more original and can deliver the message of the authors more clearly.

In conclusion, books can never be replaced by moving images and fancy effects. Firstly books provide readers a more personal experience than films. Secondly books can provide people with a variety of choices. Thirdly books allow readers’ imagination to flow unlike programmes which control the viewers’ mind. Therefore movies and television can never replace books.