Only science can save the environment. Discuss.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: In the face of mounting environmental crises, the question of how best to protect and restore our planet has become increasingly urgent.
  • Background: Brief overview of the contributions of scientific advancements to environmental conservation and the role of other disciplines.
  • Thesis Statement: While science plays an essential role in addressing environmental issues through technological innovation, social, political, and cultural efforts are equally crucial in creating sustainable change, indicating that a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to effectively save the environment.

II. Supporting View 1: Technological Innovations

  • Topic Sentence: Scientific advancements provide vital technological innovations that address environmental challenges.
  • Example 1: Renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, have significantly reduced reliance on fossil fuels and decreased greenhouse gas emissions. See Germany’s Energiewende.
  • Example 2: Advances in environmental engineering, such as water purification systems and sustainable agricultural practices, help mitigate pollution and promote resource conservation. See China’s and India’s green revolution.
  • Analysis: Discuss how these technologies highlight the indispensable role of science in developing practical solutions to environmental problems.

III. Supporting View 2: Data-Driven Solutions

  • Topic Sentence: Science offers data-driven solutions that are critical for understanding and managing environmental issues.
  • Example 1: Climate modelling and satellite monitoring provide accurate data on climate change patterns, guiding policy decisions and mitigation strategies. See strategy in Kenya to help farmers.
  • Example 2: Scientific research on biodiversity loss informs conservation efforts, such as the establishment of protected areas and wildlife corridors. See expansion of conservation efforts in Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru.
  • Analysis: Examine how these scientific contributions enable informed decision-making and effective management of environmental resources.

IV. Opposing View 1: Importance of Political Will and Policy

  • Topic Sentence: Effective environmental conservation also requires strong political will and comprehensive policy measures.
  • Example 1: International agreements like the Paris Agreement rely on political cooperation and commitment to reduce global carbon emissions.
  • Example 2: National policies promoting sustainability, such as the Rwanda and UK’s ban on single-use plastics, demonstrate the impact of legislative action on environmental protection.
  • Analysis: Discuss how these political efforts are crucial for implementing and enforcing scientific solutions, highlighting the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach.

V. Opposing View 2: Role of Social and Cultural Change

  • Topic Sentence: Social and cultural change is essential for fostering environmental awareness and sustainable behaviours.
  • Example 1: Grassroots movements like Extinction Rebellion and Fridays for Future mobilise public support and pressure governments to take action on climate change.
  • Example 2: Educational campaigns and community initiatives, such as recycling programmes and sustainable lifestyle workshops, promote environmental responsibility and engagement. See recycling initiatives in Germany and Taiwan.
  • Analysis: Explore how these social efforts complement scientific solutions by changing public attitudes and behaviours towards the environment.

Poverty is the greatest enemy of the environment. Is this true?

Poverty can significantly impact the environment by driving unsustainable practices, but it is not the sole or greatest factor.

Poverty can significantly impact the environment by driving unsustainable practices, but it is not the sole or greatest factor. Other elements, such as industrial activities and policy failures, also play critical roles.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Poverty plunges the environment and ecosystem into dispair and destruction. Critics opine that poverty can significantly impact the environment.
  • Background: Overview of factors affecting the environment, defining modern living and its typical impacts.
  • Thesis Statement: Poverty significantly impacts the environment, but industrial activities and policy failures are also crucial contributors.

II. Supporting View 1: Poverty Drives Unsustainable Practices

  • Topic Sentence: Poverty can significantly impact the environment, as poverty is a key factor driving unsustainable environmental practices.
  • Example 1: Deforestation in Madagascar (2020) due to slash-and-burn agriculture for survival. Poor farmers clear forests for farmland, leading to habitat loss (source: Reuters, 2020).
  • Example 2: Overfishing in Ghana (2019) as impoverished communities rely on fishing for income. Depleted fish stocks harm marine ecosystems (source: BBC, 2019).
  • Example 3: Charcoal production in Kenya (2021) due to lack of affordable energy sources. Deforestation and soil erosion result from extensive charcoal burning (source: Al Jazeera, 2021).
  • Analysis: Poverty forces communities into practices that degrade the environment.
  • Counterargument: Economic development can mitigate these practices by providing alternatives. Countries like Kenya and Ghana are making progress towards eliminating practices that impact the environment.

III. Supporting View 2: Lack of Resources for Sustainable Alternatives

  • Topic Sentence: Poverty can significantly impact the environment as poverty limits access to sustainable alternatives, exacerbating environmental damage.
  • Example 1: India’s dependence on biomass for cooking (2019) due to poverty. Indoor air pollution and deforestation from using wood and dung (source: The Hindu, 2019).
  • Example 2: Indonesia’s illegal logging (2021) driven by economic hardship. Forests are cleared for timber and agriculture to support livelihoods (source: BBC, 2021). [Countries still cutting down trees].
  • Example 3: Waste management issues in Nigeria (2020) due to lack of infrastructure. Poor waste disposal practices lead to pollution and health hazards (source: The Guardian, 2020).
  • Analysis: Economic constraints hinder the adoption of environmentally friendly practices.
  • Counterargument: Governments and NGOs are working to provide cleaner alternatives. There are many NGOs that have sprouted to help the cause.

IV. Supporting View 3: Immediate Survival Needs Over Long-term Conservation

  • Topic Sentence: Poverty can significantly impact the environment as poverty prioritises immediate survival over long-term environmental conservation.
  • Example 1: Subsistence farming in Nepal (2019) leads to soil degradation and deforestation. Farmers clear land to grow food, impacting biodiversity (source: Reuters, 2019).
  • Example 2: Poaching in Zimbabwe (2020) driven by economic desperation. Endangered species are hunted for income, threatening biodiversity (source: BBC, 2020).
  • Example 3: Pollution from informal settlements in South Africa (2021) due to lack of sanitation. Waste and pollution increase with unplanned urban growth (source: Al Jazeera, 2021).
  • Analysis: The focus on immediate needs overshadows environmental conservation efforts.
  • Counterargument: Sustainable farming initiatives are being introduced to mitigate this impact.

V. Opposing View 1: Industrial Activities as the Main Factor

  • Topic Sentence: Industrial activities are the main factor responsible for environmental degradation, not poverty.
  • Example 1: China’s industrial pollution (2019) despite economic growth. Factories contribute significantly to air and water pollution (source: various).
  • Example 2: Brazil’s Amazon deforestation (2020) driven by agribusiness. Large-scale farming and logging by corporations (source: Reuters, 2020) even if deforestation has slowed down significantly (BBC, 2024) the impact is significant (check out ‘Tipping Point’ by Time Magazine).
  • Example 3: Oil spills in Nigeria (2021) caused by multinational companies. Environmental damage from oil extraction and spills (source: BBC, 2021).
  • Analysis: Industrial activities cause extensive environmental harm, often more than poverty-driven practices.
  • Case Study: Include specific pollution statistics from major industrial cities.

VI. Opposing View 2: Policy Failures as a Key Factor

  • Topic Sentence: Policy failures are a key factor in environmental degradation.
  • Example 1: Deforestation in Indonesia (2020) due to weak enforcement of environmental laws. Illegal logging continues unchecked, harming ecosystems (source: The Guardian, 2020).
  • Example 2: Air pollution in India (2021) exacerbated by ineffective regulation. Poor enforcement of pollution controls leads to severe air quality issues (source: Reuters, 2021).
  • Example 3: Water pollution in Bangladesh (2019) from inadequate waste management policies. Rivers and water bodies contaminated by industrial waste (source: BBC, 2019).
  • Analysis: Weak policies and enforcement contribute significantly to environmental issues.
  • Case Study: Analyze the impact of weak policies on specific regions.

VII. Opposing View 3: Technological and Consumption Patterns

  • Topic Sentence: Modern consumption patterns and technological advancements are significant factors.
  • Example 1: Electronic waste in Ghana (2021) from global tech consumption. Imported e-waste leads to toxic pollution and health risks (source: Al Jazeera, 2021).
  • Example 2: Plastic pollution in the Philippines (2020) from global consumer habits. Ocean and coastal pollution from discarded plastics (source: The Guardian, 2020).
  • Example 3: Urban air pollution in South Korea (2019) due to high vehicle usage. Traffic emissions severely impact air quality (source: Reuters, 2019).
  • Analysis: Consumption and technology use in wealthier societies heavily impact the environment.
  • Case Study: Detail the lifecycle of electronic products and their environmental impact.

VIII. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: Poverty significantly impacts the environment, but industrial activities and policy failures are also crucial contributors.
  • Summary of Key Points: High consumption, energy use, urbanisation versus sustainable practices, technological innovation, policy changes.
  • Call to Action: Suggest specific steps individuals, governments, and organizations can take to balance modern living with environmental sustainability.
  • Final Thought: Addressing environmental degradation requires tackling both poverty and other significant factors.

Reading References:

  1. World Economic Forum – AGOA 2023
  2. The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming” by David Wallace-Wells, 2019.
  3. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History” by Elizabeth Kolbert, 2014.
  4. For the Greta Thunberg in your life“.

Evaluate how important it is for a person’s health, to spend time in the natural world.

Possible points for the importance of spending time in the natural world for a person’s health

  • assess the reasons why the natural world is important for physical and mental health
  • consider the possible limitations of nature in achieving physical and mental health
  • make a judgement based on a consideration of the evidence and argument put forward your stand on whether it is important to spend time in the natural world.
  • it is not always easy to discover nature when living in urban areas that have few or no parks
  • taking part in leisure activities in a green space is beneficial to a person’s health
  • the health benefits of working in a natural environment
  • the impact of prolonged time spent on the internet or a virtual world
  • nature can be harsh with storms, drought and famine sometimes leading to poverty and displacement of people
  • health benefits can be achieved through diet, indoor exercise and meditation or medical treatment
  • music, art and literature can also provide solace, healing and personal growth
  • working in a job you like, feeling needed and having family and friends can be a consolation.

Fossil fuel extraction belongs in the past not the future. Evaluate this statement.

Possible Points of discussion for fossil fuel extraction belonging in the past not the future.

  • consider the reasons why fossil fuels may be the energy of the past
  • assess the alternatives to fossil fuel extraction
  • make a judgement based on a consideration of the evidence and argument put forward.
  • fossil fuels becoming depleted, due to excessive extraction of them in the past
  • fossil fuels are damaging the environment and considerably increasing pollution
  • the stability of the international order being threatened by the dependence on fossil fuels
  • fossil fuels no longer being a primary source in many countries as they have been replaced by renewable energy
  • renewable energy not being able to meet the energy demands of many countries
  • continual improvements made in increasing the efficiency of renewable energy generation
  • modern nuclear energy provides a safe and reliable source of energy
  • the dangers of neglecting fossil fuels when other methods cannot deliver or are too costly.

To what extent is it necessary to reduce the number of vehicles on the roads of your country?

Possible points for discussing the necessity to reduce the number of vehicles

  • assess the number of vehicles on the roads
  • evaluate the extent to which it is necessary to reduce the number of vehicles
  • make a judgement, based on considering the evidence and argument put forward.
  • the need to reduce pollution and noise, especially in cities and towns
  • the negative impact of reducing the number of vehicles in terms of taxes,
  • jobs and technological developments
  • the constant need to replace road surfaces due to the number of cars
  • the need to create a safer environment for pedestrians, cyclists and commuters
  • the commercial benefits of pedestrianised zones might include access for supplies and people
  • reducing the number of cars being bought would have a negative economic impact
  • many jobs in the manufacturing industry are linked to the number of cars bought each year
  • improvements in urban infrastructure are often due to increased car usage.

Consider the  importance of nature in your society.

While intuitively we know that  nature is important for societies, we may take it for granted. By examining the roles  and  functions  nature plays  for [insert your country]. Evaluate  how  big  a part  nature plays  in the lives of citizens of [insert your country] and if our belief in the importance of nature truly reflects in the actions of citizens towards preservation and  conservation of nature in their country. The assumption is that there is worth in nature and  importance of nature [insert your country].

Demonstrate the purposes and  uses  of nature in [insert your country] and  evaluate the value and relevance of these purposes and  uses  to the  average citizen. Examine the challenges  that  will cause [insert your country] to  weigh  the  value  and  relevance of nature against  other  competing demands.

Present  the  impact  from  various  levels  of society  (individuals, community and  national). Provide an analysis of the  impact  (good or bad) and  come to a conclusion on whether do the impact  justify the presence of nature in [insert your country].

Consider also the counter-arguments by explaining  that  there are  other  areas  that  are  equally,  or more important than nature without any attempt to compare against the functions  of nature.

The movement of people from the countryside to cities cannot be sustained. Discuss.

• assess the scale of the movement of people to urban environments
• consider the extent to which movement of people from the countryside to cities can be sustained
• make a judgement, based on the consideration of the evidence and argument put forward
• the need for people to live in the countryside for resources and work
• the negative impact of excessive numbers of people moving from the countryside into the town
the danger of overcrowding in urban environments and the negative impacts of this on people
• how urban life quickly adapts to the increasing number of people
• the provision of a wide range of facilities for large groups of people
• urban infrastructure may develop to meet the needs of a growing population
• the benefits to work/life balance of living in largely populated urban environments
• how it may be necessary and whether it is possible to reverse this process.

‘While environmental sustainability is desirable, it is an unachievable goal.’ Discuss.

While there is increased awareness and  education surrounding one’s  ecological footprint and  its impact  on the environment, conservation efforts through environmental sustainability have been questioned for its true effectiveness in mitigating the  impact  of our current  environmental degradation.   This begs the  question of whether true environmental sustainability is indeed possible to achieve or if it will only remain  as a mere  goal  that  is impossible to carry out, let alone, impactful.

The assumption in the question in that sustainability has intrinsic value. It has positive  benefits or impacts on our environment. Environmental sustainability is unachievable and  any efforts  will not  be  able  to mitigate the  existing problems and  impacts of our current  environment.

Discuss the desirability  of environmental sustainability and evaluate whether the goal or the  efforts  at  achieving  this goal  are  achievable  or not.  A thoughtful  response also  reflects  the perspective of “Ideal versus Reality”; reasons and factors that may hinder  the goal from arriving at its idealistic  outcomes are discussed, resulting in a key treatment of the contention “desirable, but unrealistic  goal”.

Provides  an accurate and  complete understanding of the  key terms  in the  question; the  concept of ‘environmental  sustainability,  as  well  as  the  contention of  ‘desirability’  and  ‘achievability’  of  this concept is explained  and  evaluated  against  each  other   consistently  and  extensively.  Explain  environmental  sustainability  in  terms   of  the  efforts  taken   by  various stakeholders (Individuals, Society, Government, NGO, etc.) in ensuring the longevity  of resources and ensuring that  environmental degradation is kept  to a minimum.  The ‘desirability’ of sustainability is explicitly discussed in terms  of its inherent worth, value, significance, or benefits. The ‘achievability’ of a goal  is also  discussed through analysing  the  outcomes of the  goal/objective, or the  process of carrying  out  the  objective.

The efforts to save the environment is the responsibility of developed nations. Discuss.

The destructive bushfires of Australia in 2019 gained widespread media attention. Many discussions and debates talked about various causes which led to the disaster. One recurring theme in all these debates was man-made climate change. Environmental damage can also be seen in the arctic, where melting snow has led to the death of polar bears. It is estimated that polar bears will go extinct in ten years if nothing is done to help preserve their environment. These incidents prove that the efforts to save the environment have not materialised into reality yet. One of the reasons for this is that many believe that developed nations should shoulder the responsibility of conserving the environment as they are better equipped to do so. From a practical perspective, developed nations should shoulder the efforts to save the environment as they have been the main culprits in its destruction.

Developed nations should conserve the environment because they have better resources financially and technologically. Many developed countries have already taken steps to mitigate environmental problems in multiple ways. One of the ways developed nations have adopted is the construction of buildings with ample of green spaces. An example of this can be seen in Singapore, throughout its architecture it encourages the inclusion of plants and trees. Private buildings like Oasia Hotel in downtown Singapore is coated in greenery. The Singapore government is also focusing on planting new trees and preserving mature ones to make housing estates greener, sustainable and more liveable. Similarly, in Chicago, the City Hall Roof which is practically a garden boasts of various flowering plants and bushes. The roof was made to serve as an example for other buildings in the state. It also was made in an attempt to combat rising temperature and improve air quality. The Chicago green roof fulfilled all these goals which is evident from the fact that more than 400 green rooftops are constructed since then. Thus, developed nations are better equipped to save the environment because they have the technology and finances to assist them in this endeavour which many countries do not possess.

Developed nations are primary contributors to environmental damage due to their large-scale industrial activity. Apart from that, the per capita consumption patterns are also very high in the developed world. Thus, these developed countries should take ownership and mitigate the effects of environmental damage. There are companies in the developed world that are taking measures to prevent environmental damage. An example, of this, can be Coco-Cola company that has adopted environmental-friendly practices like conservation of freshwater rivers and sourcing their ingredients from sustainable sources. The company is also set to make changes to its packaging by introducing recyclable plastic bottles. Similarly, IKEA, a furniture company, through its Live Lagom project, encouraged its customers and employee live in a more sustainable way by sourcing sustainable products and only adding furniture to their home when it’s truly beneficial. These efforts by international companies help in making the world a greener and better place. Thus, developed nations have to play a larger role in promoting the efforts to save the environment.

However, it should be noted that developing countries today are mainly responsible for environmental damage as they are undergoing industrial developments. In the future too, it is the current rapidly developing nations that will be the primary contributors to global warming. However, developing nations too could undertake efforts to mitigate environmental damage. An example of this can be the North African country of Morocco, that has successfully shown the will to mitigate climate change by committing to produce electricity through renewable energy sources by 2020. Another country, Brazil has developed innovative products like plastic made from sustainable materials like sugar cane ethanol. This plastic is considered to help in reducing emissions and minimising environmental damage.  Similarly, developing countries are also focusing on ecotourism to protect the environment. An example of this is the country of Belize, which is focusing on eco-tourism and is protecting and preserving its natural environments and exotic wildlife. The Belize Barrier Reef is conserved and protected and is an important place which promotes biodiversity. Thus, developing countries can also take efforts and play a part in environmental conservation.

In conclusion, there is no denying that developed countries are better off financially and technologically in mitigating issues related to the environment. However, it is unfair to expect that all the efforts to save the environment should be taken by the developed countries. This is because the task is a Herculean one which requires efforts from all countries and stakeholders. Therefore, everyone is instrumental in preventing environmental degradation. Therefore, while the efforts to save the environment lies in the hands of all the stakeholders, developed countries should shoulder the main responsibility.