Category: Education
To what extent has technology changed the face of education?
Technology has transformed the education system today, especially in developed countries. It has changed the pedagogical methods in education, where teachers are slowly moving away from the traditional blackboard teaching to using computers. Technology has also influenced the way students learn and have reduced their dependence on teachers as their mentors. Written assessments are also slowly being replaced by computerized assessments. Therefore, some are of the opinion that technology has changed the face of education significantly. On the flip side, critics have claimed that technology remains an additional tool to educate and the traditional methods of teaching and learning remain largely unchanged. While it is true that technology has changed the face of education, it is not to say that traditional methods of teaching and learning have become obsolete.
[The question is TWE, so you have to show the extent in the intro. Based on your hook and overview, seems like you agree that tech has changed the face of education. The last sentence is not needed unless you disagree, then your first 5 sentences have to be changed.]
Technology has changed the way students learn. In the past, students generally derive their knowledge from their teachers and schools. However, today, more students are becoming less reliant on their teachers for knowledge and are instead using technology to do independent learning. Especially in this age where information and knowledge become obsolete quickly, what students learn in school could be outdated. Therefore, technology has allowed students to derive up-to-date information more easily and have diminished the traditional role of teachers as mentors. With more schools being equipped with tablet computers and e-readers, students can engage in online learning using MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) such as the Khan Academy. There has also been a rising trend of students using their mobile phones in class to search for information. Furthermore, with the ‘Teach Less, Learn More’ initiative in schools in Singapore, teachers are required to teach less while students do independent research work. However, even though it is true that students are moving away from relying on their teachers for knowledge and are becoming more open to using technology, one has to recognise that this shift is still less significant in schools today. This is due to the fact that there is still a significant dependence on schools and teachers in providing fundamental knowledge to students. Furthermore, information that students access to online could be inaccurate or excessive, which could instead debilitate students’ learning rather than allowing them to learn more. Therefore, while it is true that technology has contributed to a change in the way students learn, it is not to say that this shift is so significant that teachers’ role as a knowledge provider has become obsolete.
[To show a further link, you can show that just as tech has changed the face of business, similarly, a new pool of knowledge workers has to be trained in school to meet the demands of industry].
Technology has changed the way teachers teach today. Teachers today are slowly moving away from the traditional blackboard to the use of technology in their teaching. For example, in a recent 2013 survey conducted by the PBS LearningMedia, 71% of school teachers in the United States have used tablet computers or e-readers in their classrooms. The use of technology has allowed teachers to respond to a variety of learning styles known as VARK(Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, Kinesthetic). For example, web-based educational games provide hands-on activities for kinesthetic learners, while interactive whiteboards allow visual learners to learn better. This move to a less didactic teaching environment has also allowed for more classroom discussions. While these are encouraging signs of change in the way teachers teach, it is not to say that traditional blackboard teaching is no longer useful. Traditional blackboard teaching is still useful in today’s education system as it is a simple and convenient method of teaching. Therefore, technology should not be viewed as a replacement but more of a complement to traditional blackboard teaching. One also has to be aware that technology serves as a tool to assist teaching and should not become a teaching crutch. Hence, while it is true that teachers are embracing technology as a tool in teaching, traditional methods of teaching still remain relevant today.
[The eval is good. It is important to recognize that these changes are in the developed world, while the developing world battles for tech to be used in different ways, such as soil sample analysis, water pH level reading, new methods of farming, etc]
Technology has also changed the way assessments are carried out and graded. Today, written assessments are slowly being converted to electronic-based assessments, which students can access to using their tablet computers or mobile phones. This has also made it easier for students to detect any plagiarism in their work by using plagiarism checkers available online. Technology has also influenced the way in which teachers mark and grade their students’ work. For example, Harvard University has recently introduced an automated computerised system that uses artificial intelligence to grade their students’ essays. These signs of change show that technology is slowly replacing written work. However, it is important to recognise that major assessments and examinations are still largely written and the grading of these assessments is still being done by writing. Therefore, electronic-based assessments may apply more for minor examinations and term tests. Hence, even though technology has transformed the written nature of assessments to electronic-based, this transformation is still less significant in schools today.
[Students do not check for plagiarism, the school does. If the student has plagiarized, the student knows – no need to check. What about assessments that cannot use tech?]
Protected: Only educated people should have the right to vote in elections. What is your view?
Protected: Environment and Health
Protected: ‘Books serve little purpose in education as technological developments become more sophisticated.’ How far do you agree?
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Education is the most powerful weapon that can make the world a better place. Discuss.
A majority of governments across the world have recognized the importance of education as a tool to boost progress and make a world a better place. For example, the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations place priority on providing quality education. The administrators of SDG also validate their mission by attesting the number of people that have got out of poverty due to education. Supporters of education suggest that it is the most powerful weapon to bring change and it can help people to do greater good for the world.
Education brings equality to society and allows social mobility regardless of status. Education systems around the world have changed their systems to bring equality among people. An example of this can be the education system in Finland, where there are only one standardized test and all students in the same classrooms and provides extra educational assistance to those who need it. Moreover, private schools in Finland are non-existent. This ensures that students have equal access to education regardless of socioeconomic background. Thus, education is a social leveller and by bringing us closer to equality it makes the world a better place.
Education also empowers people and gives them the power to question those in power. In recent years there have been many student activists’ protests to question the authorities. An example of this can be the students from more than 130 countries, who skipped school for the global climate strike which gained widespread attention. Another notable example can be of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, where students organised protests and rallies against gun violence. The protest aimed to spread awareness about gun violence. Critics might point out that it is idealism that leads to this social change and not education. However, they should not forget that education is the tool that enables them to know about these issues and gives them the courage to stage these protests. Therefore, education makes the world a better place by giving students and youth power to question those in power.
Education, when controlled by governments, can be used as a tool to gain control over people. An example of this can be seen in Indian history, where Lord Macaulay, replaced native texts with English texts and also proclaimed that they wanted to create a class of Indians, that were Indian in race and blood but British in taste and morals. In present times, North Korea uses similar tactics where education is used to brainwash people. The children throughout their education learn about leaders like Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il and their greatness is emphasised in the books. In Pakistan, students are taught that India is the aggressor and they should do everything possible to counter India and its politics. Thus, education makes the world a difficult place to live in when it is used to dominate people.
While education makes the world a better place by bringing equality, rationality and giving power to the voiceless, education can have a negative impact on society when it is used for wrong reasons. Education, when used for wrong purposes, can lead to the subjugation of people. Thus, it is necessary to develop educational systems in a progressive way so that education in all senses makes the world a better place. By and large, education is the most powerful weapon to change the world for the better as it has reduced poverty and brought about greater equality among people.
Higher education is no longer necessary for success. Discuss.
For a majority of people, higher education undoubtedly remains key to achieving success. Not only are degrees badges of acquired skill, they are sometimes even status symbols. In addition, the experience of going through higher education often proves to be greatly important if one seeks a successful career. Higher education still plays a vital role in the pathway to success.
For a majority of people, higher education undoubtedly remains key to achieving success. Not only are degrees badges of acquired skill, they are sometimes even status symbols. In addition, the experience of going through higher education often proves to be greatly important if one seeks a successful career. Higher education still plays a vital role in the pathway to success.
It is easy to see why there has been increasing optimism of attaining success through means other than higher education. First, the rapid growth of online courses offered by Coursera and Phoenix University have led to the argument that the advent of the Internet has made it such that individuals no longer need higher education to obtain the skills they require for their jobs. Second, people often lament that despite obtaining degrees, they are unable to find work, and cannot pay off college debts they have accumulated. Third, mass media platforms have recently painted pictures of how individuals like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg reached the very peak of what it means to be “successful”, without ever needing the support of higher education. This leads to the claim that higher education has lost its ability to deliver some measures of success. These three arguments present the case that higher education is no longer necessary for success.
However, it is overly assertive to claim that the skills that people learn from university education are irrelevant, even with the aid of the Internet. Instead, it is more reasonable to believe that higher education provides greater opportunities for learning. Though it may be possible to obtain the same access to information, it is only at universities that individuals of similar interests are able to gather in a classroom, exchange thoughts and ideas with each other, and learn under the tutelage of professors at the forefronts of their fields. Comparatively, those who do not attend higher education do not have that same opportunity to ask peers or professors for help when they run into problems understanding the content taught. Especially for specialised fields like biotechnology and law, the skills and knowledge necessary for the future remain largely accessible only to those who have undergone higher education. From this, it is clear that university graduates have greater propensity to gain skills and knowledge than non-graduates.
In addition, the university degree itself is a badge of acquired skill, reassuring employers that these employees have learnt the content, and are able to handle the work assigned to them. This means that graduates are more likely to be hired than non-graduates, which often translates into higher salaries. Furthermore, the trust that employers have in graduates’ ability to perform better often translates into greater financial remuneration. Today, bachelor’s degree holders can expect median lifetime earnings of about US$2.3 million, as compared to US$1.3 million for workers with just a high school diploma. Ultimately, higher education does in fact bring about greater financial success for graduates.
It is also fallacious to argue that higher education has stopped being a necessary part to being successful just because there have been exceptions to it. Not only were Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates intellectual geniuses and visionaries who had foreseen and grasped business opportunities, they were born into circumstances which ultimately facilitated their success. Courses offered at universities could not offer advice to these entrepreneurs embarking as pioneers of a new field. On the other hand, an overwhelming proportion of individuals do not enjoy the same kind of privilege, be it financial or intellectual. Hence, for most, the likely route to success is higher education, which sets them apart from other job applicants.
In fact, for most occupations excluding degree-blind jobs such as entrepreneurship and advertising, higher education plays an integral role in assimilating graduates into their future workplaces. Upon entering the workplace, university graduates depend upon the ties they had developed to help them along, and this often stems from their higher education experience. For example, specialists often depend on the referrals of other doctors to obtain a base of patients. In such a situation, getting to know others who are in the field is incredibly important for one’s career advancement prospects. Thus, higher education is not just about the content and skills involved, but also the relationships graduates develop with each other. The social advantage that higher education offers hence allows graduates to get a leg up over non-graduate.
In essence, higher education remains necessary for success. This is not to say that all graduates are necessarily more successful than all non-graduates, because of the multitude of factors involved. However, university graduates do indeed benefit greatly from higher education, a crucial factor contributing to being successful.
In an age of rapid technological advancement, is a single career for life realistic?
In many countries, people are facing the issue of unemployment. Governments of various countries have blamed immigrants or other factors for this issue. However, technological advancements like Artificial Intelligence and Robots are responsible for replacing humans. Many traditional jobs like packing, sorting and administrative work today is being replaced by technology. Rapid technological advancements make it necessary that humans upgrade and learn new skills throughout their lives. A single career, however, is realistic even in today’s society if the professionals learn to adapt and learn new skills with the advancement in technology.
It is believed that technological innovations will replace humans in most professions either fully or partially. Many studies and researchers conducted say that AI will replace most jobs by 2040. This can already be seen in blue-collar jobs like machine operation and food delivery. However, it is also estimated that more than 500 million jobs will be replaced by AI. While it seems that humans will be replaced completely in the job sector, which is not the case. This is because, while AI and robots will replace traditional job functions, it will also create new jobs. The creation of new jobs makes it important that individuals today learn new skills and perform different job tasks. For example, people might need to build upon their computer knowledge and technical skills. With AI and robotics coming to the forefront people might need to learn skills like problem-solving, creativity and communication. Therefore, if a person wants to remain in a single career for life it is necessary to work within these fields otherwise their jobs might be destroyed by technology.
Though AI might automate most of the jobs, there are jobs that will remain in demand and cannot be replaced by AI and robotics. Though AI and robotics might work well in many fields there are fields where AI still needs humans to succeed. An example of this can be Google Translate, which translates simple phrases extremely well but if creative phrases or idioms are fed into google translate it results in inaccurate results. Another example can be of customer service, while virtual assistants are trained to greet and understand questions, the dataset is extremely limited which results in repetitive responses and options. If the customer has a complex question it is almost never understood by the chatbot and may lead to frustrating and negative customer experience. Thus, it can be seen that AI cannot replace human skills like empathy or deal with conflict resolution and negotiations. Hence, single career options are possible especially in job sectors like psychology, education, health care and communication where the focus is on complex cognitive skills.
Though it is to be understood that professionals even in these job sectors might have to upgrade their skills and adapt to new changes. For instance, teachers may need to learn new apps to grade papers, teachers who think out of the box, are creative and with the help of AI can better plan, personalise and facilitate the learning process. People with knowledge of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) will be an important part of the workforce in the AI-driven industry. Therefore, people choosing to stay within a single career and progress in their profession are in luck, if they choose to learn the above-mentioned skills.
There is also a growing trend of outsourcing jobs which makes it difficult to keep a single career. The outsourcing has also given rise to new kind of jobs where people are combining two or more skills. People who constantly change and upgrade skills will remain in the job market and maintain their jobs. For example, management consultants can continue in a single job and provide people with insights into organising their companies. In a society where change is the norm, a single career is possible for those who continuously change.
Thus, it may seem that technological advances may not allow people to have a single career. A single career choice is possible even in a technologically changing society. This is especially true for professionals working in the field of education, technology, education and communication. Technology still needs to compete with the complexity of the human mind and its varied responses. It can be said that technology has a long way to go in replacing humans completely in certain fields because of their multi-faceted skills.
‘Practical ability is just as important as intellectual skills.’ How far is this true in your society?
Today’s competitive world places a lot of emphasis on academics. While intellectual skills are important, one should also place importance on a practical ability like teamwork, fixing and repairing things around the house. Practical ability can thus be described as essential life skills needed to survive in the world. It can be said that in today’s world practical ability is as important as intellectual skills.
Supporters of intellectual abilities state that good grades in school open doors to reputed universities. Getting good grades in these highly reputed universities boosts the resume of individuals and leads them to get jobs in good companies. For example, many parents emphasize that their children attend top universities like Oxford and Cambridge so that it raises their social status. It is also seen that many companies prefer hiring people who have studied at a reputed college rather than a local college. The preference for intellectual abilities is also seen in the job description of these companies where candidates from top-tier schools and universities are preferred. Scholarships around the world are granted to people who score good marks in their academics which furthers backs their claim that intellectual abilities are more important than any other thing. Thus, it can be said that bright job opportunities and improvement in one’s social status lead people to place more emphasis on intellectual skills rather than practical skills.
However, not all people who have sterling intellectual abilities good at performing jobs that require practical skills. In fact, more and more jobs today require the candidate to have practical skills rather than formal college degree or diploma. Notable examples of this include companies like Apple, IBM and Google who offer freshers jobs based on skills rather than academic credentials. Service-based industries like Starbucks and Amazon also do not place an emphasis on a college degree as practical skills are more important in these jobs. If an individual has the practical ability, they can even outshine people who just have intellectual abilities. A notable example of this can be the work of Doctor Hamilton Naki, a self-taught surgeon who made numerous contributions to the science of transplantation and also got a chance to assist Christiaan Barnard in a successful heart transplant surgery. This shows that practical skills are an important factor in success rather than just intellectual abilities. Therefore, practical competence is as important as intellectual skills.
With changing times people are placing importance on practical abilities as well. This is evident from the fact that people today celebrate people with practical skills as much as they celebrate people with intellectual skills. For example, there are many self-taught chefs that have received accolades worldwide without any proven intellectual abilities or prestigious academic records. In Singapore, this is evident through the success of chef Chan Hon Meng and chef Lee Meng Li who have gained Michelin stars for their dishes based on their culinary skills. Similarly, sportsperson like swimmers, cricketers and footballers do not need academic skills but practical skills and techniques of the sport they play. It can be said that these people receive more appreciation than people with intellectual skills and no practical skills. Therefore, it can be said that practical skills are more important than intellectual skills.
The importance of practical skills can be seen in modern society. Even though people are today securing degrees and formal education they do lack employable skills. Even though people are graduates and even post-graduates they have failed to acquire jobs. This is evident from the high unemployment rates of graduates and even post-graduates. In today’s world if people have to succeed then they need to be more or equally good at practical skills. Thus, it is important that one must possess the aptitude to navigate an increasingly complex globalised world.
In conclusion, it can be said that practical skills are as important as intellectual and academic achievements. Though intellectual abilities may be required in some jobs, most jobs require people to have practical skills rather than theoretical knowledge.
Consider the view that formal education has done little to prepare students for today’s challenges.
Traditional forms of formal education do little in preparing students for today’s challenges.
Education has been considered as an important step towards success. However, with advancements in technology, the job market today has changed dramatically. Moreover, new job roles and designations are created every year. Considering the changing work scenario, it is important that there is a paradigm shift in which education is provided. In present-day society, formal education is still the same as many years ago where students’ intelligence is tested by the same standardised tests. The significance of formal education has declined in recent times. However, formal education has been instrumental in preparing students for today’s challenges as education systems are getting diversified.
Opponents of formal education often argue that it is theoretical in nature and fails to prepare students for contributing to the global economy. Most schools and colleges today teach students subjects and topics that are quite outdated and theoretical in nature. The lack of proper practical training in subjects leads students to lack real-life skills. This is especially true in the case of India where many aspiring engineers are left unemployed because of the course-work that is outdated and not job-centric. In fact, the lack of employability skills leaves many students to take up jobs in fields not related to engineering. Similarly, in Singapore, young graduates face higher unemployment levels compared to older peers. Education, therefore, has not equipped students with practical knowledge and the qualities they achieve through education are not indicative of students’ ability to reason and creative thinking. Thus, formal education has failed to prepare people to face the challenges of the global economy.
However, education has diversified its ways to impart knowledge to students. Formal education is adapting to keep up with the changes of today. Northern European countries like Norway, Finland and Denmark lead the way in providing formal education along with vocational training which ensures that the students remain employable. Similarly, in countries like Germany and Singapore, there are a myriad of vocational courses that people can undertake. Moreover, in Singapore people can enrol themselves in polytechnics instead of universities to get a more hands-on experience within a dynamic environment. In developing countries like India, vocational education and training are steadily gaining momentum. Indians today are not only getting educated in conventional fields like medicine and engineering. Today, they are also gaining education to become trained electricians, plumbers and fashion designers. When students are trained vocationally, they can be beneficial to the economy as they can earn higher wages and contribute to economic growth. This is the reason why many countries have recognised the importance of skill-based learning and are investing in vocational training. Therefore, formal education helps students become ready for today’s economic challenges, as education systems are diversifying and adapting to global changes.
Formal education is also instrumental in minimising the divide between different races and religions. Many countries today are facing challenges in forms of racial and religious divides. Formal education systems are important in diminishing these divides as most educational systems emphasise on the holistic development of students. This is evident through the various activities and programmes that are available to students at school and university level. An example of this can be seen in the US where students are enrolled in the Child Development Project (CDP) in multiple states. The programme helps to foster children’s ethical, social and intellectual development. Furthermore, in-school educational systems enrolling in extra-curricular activities like dance, drama, music, art and debate helps children to collaborate with a diverse range of peers. This helps in building skills like teamwork and resilience which are very much necessary in today’s volatile job market. Extracurricular activities also help in promoting lasting friendships among students from diverse backgrounds and fosters social integration which helps the children to become a responsible citizen in the future. Thus, formal education plays an important role in the overall development of the children in the form of extracurricular activities and prepares people to face the challenges of today.
In conclusion, traditional forms of formal education do little in preparing students for today’s challenges. However, education systems across the world are adapting to the changes in present times. Formal education today is emphasising on development of children not only to prepare them for the job world but also to face social challenges. Therefore, formal education cannot be easily dismissed as irrelevant to students today.