“Literature is useless in a pragmatic world.” Do you agree with this view?

Literature is useless in a pragmatic world

In many societies, today literature is considered useless as it provides with no economic benefits. In pragmatist societies, people are concerned with economic growth and progress at an individual and national level. In such society’s importance is given more to practical subjects like mathematics and science which are key to getting high paying jobs. For example, by studying mathematics and science people can breakthrough in fields such as engineering, data analytics and medicine. Literature, on the other hand, does not provide any such economic benefits. It is believed that the one who studies literature would end up struggling or becoming a writer which is a high-risk job. Such a mindset towards literature is the primary reason why literature is considered useless in a pragmatic world. After all, we need more computer engineers, accountants and software developers in this competitive world. Studying literature does not contribute to any of these essential skills and thus is useless in a pragmatic world.

In our practical world today, more emphasis is being placed on subjects like Science and mathematics. Pragmatists believe that for building a strong economy people should be adept at these subjects. This stems from the fact that subjects like science and mathematics are required and given more preference even in the job market. When it comes to Literature, pragmatists believe that it is a pointless subject that does not offer any insights into the real world. For them, knowledge of scientific theories and geometric theorems is more important than the knowledge of Shakespeare’s plays and Auden’s war poetry. However, disagreeing with this view it can be contended that literature is still relevant and useful in a pragmatic world because it holds historical value, provides us with a wealth of knowledge and helps engage with diverse cultural perspectives.

However, terming literature as useless based on the economic benefits is reductive. The usefulness of literature does not rely on whether it provides people with high-paying jobs or successful careers. Literature is useful because it provides people with an opportunity to look at things from broader perspectives. It provides people with an infinite source of knowledge which is instrumental in enriching the lifestyles and mindset of the people living within the society.

Literature provides insights into the human mind and allows people to empathize with various situations. The study of literature allows people to understand other people’s feelings which helps people to connect to various aspects of different regions, races, societies, and periods of time. Literary works provide a variety of genres and themes that are applicable to daily lives. For example, To Kill a Mocking bird gives readers insights into issues like race and justice from the perspective of a child. The book leads readers to empathise with the characters and teaches them a lesson of morality.  Similarly, works of Shakespeare are instrumental in understanding human nature. His plays like Macbeth and Hamlet provide valuable insights into the psyche of the characters. Literature is helpful in providing a broad view of society, through the eyes of the characters. Literature in this sense is not useless as it fosters understanding, tolerance and empathy values that are important in today’s pragmatic world.

Literature is also important as it allows us to understand the nuances of language. In the technological world where people use contractions and chat language to communicate it is essential to understand the language. Literature leads to enrichment of the language, people by reading and analysing works of literature can learn about syntax, vocabulary and writing styles. Classical works of George Orwell, William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens can help people understand the evolution of language. Literary structures, trends, the way views are expressed within these works bring awareness about language developments and can lead to a better understanding of language in the current context. These language skills that are built by the study of literature can help people to become confident and use language in academic as well as social settings. For example, use of language can help them in writing academic essays and while stepping in the job world it can help them write convincing cover letters and drafting emails. Thus, literature has practical use in society and to deem it as useless is because of the deeply entrenched misconceptions about its utility. Thus, the study of literature is useful in the pragmatic world because it has practical uses.

Lastly, literature has an entertaining value that can help readers escape from the shackles of their mundane lives. In a pragmatic world, people are in a constant rat race to outdo each other, such struggle leads to stress that is inevitable. Reading works of literature can provide people with the necessary respite from their stressful lives. By reading literature we can dive into different realms and let our imagination run free. For example, by reading JK Rowling’s Harry Potter, people can be a part of that universe and imagine themselves to be using wands and invisibility cloaks. Similarly, by reading Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, people can imagine themselves rafting through the Mississippi River with Huck and Jim. Such escapism helps people in forgetting about the stress in their lives even if for a moment. Thus, in this pragmatic world where stress is inevitable, literature provides the much-needed entertainment and escapism and hence cannot be deemed as useless.

In conclusion, literature is useful in this pragmatic world. While economic growth and progress are important, it cannot be denied that literature holds an intrinsic value today. Literature provides the necessary knowledge, entertainment, fosters creativity and offers an escape for readers. In this way, literature is not useless but is essential for enriching our lives in more ways than one.

Author: GpAdmin

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