‘Totalitarianism and religion share one important feature: indoctrination.’ To what extent would you agree?

totalitarianism and religion

Possible points for/against totalitarianism and religion share the feature of indoctrination.

Totalitarianism needs to be defined (proximity to authoritarianism still a matter of dispute).
• Political indoctrinatiohttps://www.opendemocracy.net/en/countering-radical-right/totalitarianism-twentieth-century-and-beyond/n in the sense that all aspects of citizens’ lives are subordinate to the authority of the state.
• Examples of the above, e.g. USSR, Nazi Germany, Communist China.
• Extremist religions can indoctrinate but while most religions attempt to build their power and influence, this process is mainly persuasion rather than indoctrination and people are free, not compelled to participate if they so wish.

Author: GpAdmin

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