‘Religious education should be a part of the school curriculum.’ Discuss.

religious education

Points for/against religious education should be a part of the school curriculum

Religion should be taught in the home, not at school
• Some countries go by the principle of separation of church and state
• Religious education can lead to segregation and stereotyping
• Not all families are religious
• Time could be spent on other subjects
• Does not always meet the needs of a multicultural society
• Children could be taught in ways that disturb their own legitimate beliefs
• Some parents send their children to “faith schools” in spite of not being religious themselves.
These schools sometimes have the reputation of being well-disciplined and promoting high
• It can increase divisions in a community and a nation
• Perhaps the teaching of ethics and morals, as an alternative
• The local place of worship can provide education, out of school hours
Knowledge of different religions can develop a greater understanding of others