A-Level Essay Questions

A-Level Essay Questions

A-Level Essay Questions. Have a look at these A-Level Essay Questions from Past Year General Paper Prelims.

  1. ‘A picture is always more powerful than mere words.’ What is your view?
  2. To what extent do the newspapers and magazines that you read deal with what is trivial, rather than with what is important?
  3. ‘The world would be a better place if everyone spoke the same language.’ Discuss
  4. Should crimes that were committed many years ago simply be forgotten?
  5. ‘Advertisements are often entertaining, but they rarely affect consumer choice.’ Is this your experience?
  6. ‘The view of the majority is always right.’ Do you agree?
  7. ‘The pen is mightier than the sword.’ Can written language really be so powerful?
  8. Can the view of the supernatural be sustained in our modern world?
  9. Discuss the view that too much faith is placed in statistics.
  10. How important are dreams?
  11. To what extent is design important in your society?
  12. Are certain types of writing superior to others?
  13. ‘Fashion is as much a good thing as a bad thing’. To what extent do you agree?
  14. As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private?
  15. Assess the impact of foreign films or foreign TV programmes on culture of your society.