Essay Questions on Youth and Children.

Essay Questions on Youth

GP Essay Questions on Youth. Have a look at these GP Essay Questions on Youth from the past papers.

  1. “The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they alone know everything.” These words were written many years ago. Are they true today?
  2. Young people are slaves to fashion. Discuss.
  3. ‘The teenage years are the best years of one’s life.’ Would you agree with this view?
  4. Consider the criticism levelled at young people that their only values are self-centred ones.
  5. Is it true that the old must now learn from the young?
  6. Discuss the reasons for crime among young people and the ways in which they can be encouraged to behave differently.
  7. Was life for young people in Singapore better in the past than it is today?
  8. To what extent are the young in Singapore favoured at the expense of the elderly?
  9. Discuss the view that children always suffer when both parents work.
  10. Should people be allowed to have children by artificial means?

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