History has shown us that crime never pays. Do you agree?

While history often demonstrates that crime does not pay in the long run, there are instances where criminals have benefited from their actions, suggesting a more complex reality.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: The saying “crime never pays” is widely believed.
  • Background: Brief overview of historical examples of crime and their outcomes.
  • Thesis Statement: While history often demonstrates that crime does not pay in the long run, there are instances where criminals have benefited from their actions, suggesting a more complex reality.

II. Supporting View 1: Punishment and Justice

  • Topic Sentence: Historical examples show that criminals often face severe punishment.
  • Example 1: In 1989, Nicolae Ceaușescu, the Romanian dictator, was executed after his regime’s crimes were exposed.
  • Example 2: In 2013, Italian Mafia boss Domenico Raccuglia was arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
  • Example 3: In 2009, Bernard Madoff, though American, faced global repercussions for his Ponzi scheme, showing the reach of justice.
  • Analysis: These examples illustrate that crime often leads to punishment and downfall.

III. Supporting View 2: Loss of Reputation and Power

  • Topic Sentence: Criminals often lose their reputation and power, showing that crime does not pay.
  • Example 1: In 2011, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was imprisoned for corruption and abuse of power.
  • Example 2: In 1992, former East German leader Erich Honecker was prosecuted for human rights abuses.
  • Example 3: In 2018, former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak faced charges for the 1MDB scandal.
  • Analysis: These cases demonstrate that crime often results in the loss of power and respect.

IV. Opposing View 1: Short-Term Gains

  • Topic Sentence: Some criminals benefit from their actions in the short term.
  • Example 1: In 1994, Russian oligarchs amassed wealth during the chaotic privatisation period.
  • Example 2: In the 1980s, Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar built an empire and gained immense power before his downfall.
  • Example 3: In 2007, British art thief Leonardo Notarbartolo managed a massive diamond heist in Belgium.
  • Analysis: These examples show that crime can lead to significant short-term gains.

V. Opposing View 2: Criminal Success Stories

  • Topic Sentence: Some criminals avoid punishment and retain their gains.
  • Example 1: In 1980, former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin lived in exile in Saudi Arabia without facing justice.
  • Example 2: In 2001, former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori fled to Japan and avoided immediate prosecution.
  • Example 3: In 2010, Indian businessman Lalit Modi fled to the UK to avoid corruption charges and maintained a comfortable life.
  • Analysis: These instances suggest that some criminals escape justice and enjoy their gains.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: While history often shows that crime does not pay, there are exceptions where criminals benefit.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Crime’s consequences are complex, highlighting the need for a nuanced understanding of justice.

Sport is human life in miniature. Discuss.

Sports enthusiasts opine that sports reflects life. Sport encapsulates many aspects of human life, including competition, teamwork, and personal growth, but it can also oversimplify and distort life’s complexities.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Sport reflects many elements of human life.
  • Background: Brief overview of sport’s role in society and its symbolic nature.
  • Thesis Statement: Sport encapsulates many aspects of human life, including competition, teamwork, and personal growth, but it can also oversimplify and distort life’s complexities.

II. Supporting View 1: Competition and Struggle

  • Topic Sentence: Sport mirrors the competition and struggle present in human life.
  • Example 1: In the Premier League, teams compete fiercely for the title, reflecting life’s competitive nature.
  • Example 2: The Tour de France requires immense endurance, similar to overcoming life’s challenges.
  • Example 3: In Japan, sumo wrestling showcases the dedication and effort needed to achieve success.
  • Analysis: These examples show how sport reflects life’s competitive and challenging aspects.

III. Supporting View 2: Teamwork and Cooperation

  • Topic Sentence: Sport emphasises the importance of teamwork and cooperation.
  • Example 1: In Spain, FC Barcelona’s “tiki-taka” style relies on teamwork and coordination.
  • Example 2: New Zealand’s All Blacks rugby team exemplifies unity and collective effort.
  • Example 3: In Germany, Bayern Munich’s success is attributed to strong team dynamics.
  • Analysis: These examples illustrate how sport mirrors the collaborative efforts required in life.

IV. Opposing View 1: Oversimplification of Life

  • Topic Sentence: Sport can oversimplify the complexities of human life.
  • Example 1: The intense focus on winning in Indian cricket oversimplifies the nuances of success.
  • Example 2: In Brazilian football, the hero-worship of players ignores the broader societal issues.
  • Example 3: In Russia, the emphasis on athletic achievement overlooks personal and emotional development.
  • Analysis: These examples highlight how sport can reduce life’s complexities to mere competition.

V. Opposing View 2: Distortion of Values

  • Topic Sentence: Sport can distort important values and priorities.
  • Example 1: In Italian football, corruption scandals undermine the integrity of the sport.
  • Example 2: The obsession with winning in Chinese gymnastics leads to unethical training practices.
  • Example 3: In Kenyan athletics, doping scandals distort the true spirit of competition.
  • Analysis: These examples demonstrate how sport can sometimes lead to unethical behaviour and distorted values.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: Sport reflects many aspects of human life, such as competition and teamwork, but can also oversimplify and distort life’s complexities.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Sport is a valuable microcosm of life, but it should be viewed critically to understand its limitations.

Is courage necessarily a virtue?

Courage is often seen as a virtue due to its role in overcoming fear and achieving noble goals, but it can also lead to reckless or harmful actions.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Courage is admired in stories and heroes.
  • Background: Brief overview of courage and its traditional view as a virtue.
  • Thesis Statement: Courage is often seen as a virtue due to its role in overcoming fear and achieving noble goals, but it can also lead to reckless or harmful actions.

II. Supporting View 1: Overcoming Fear for Noble Goals

  • Topic Sentence: Courage helps people overcome fear to achieve noble goals.
  • Example 1: In India, Mahatma Gandhi’s courage led to India’s independence through non-violent resistance.
  • Analysis: Gandhi’s courage is virtuous because it achieved freedom without violence.

III. Supporting View 2: Promoting Justice and Integrity

  • Topic Sentence: Courage is essential in promoting justice and integrity.
  • Example 1: In South Africa, Nelson Mandela’s courage in fighting apartheid inspired global change.
  • Analysis: Mandela’s courage was virtuous as it fought oppression and promoted equality.

IV. Opposing View 1: Potential for Recklessness

  • Topic Sentence: Courage can sometimes lead to reckless or dangerous actions.
  • Example 1: In Russia, young daredevils who climb skyscrapers for thrills risk their lives needlessly.
  • Analysis: This form of courage is not virtuous as it endangers lives without noble purpose.

V. Opposing View 2: Harmful Consequences

  • Topic Sentence: Courage can have harmful consequences if not guided by wisdom.
  • Example 1: In some Middle Eastern conflicts, individuals show courage by joining extremist groups, causing harm.
  • Analysis: Courage in this context is not virtuous as it leads to violence and suffering.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: Courage can be a virtue when it achieves noble goals and promotes justice but can also lead to recklessness and harm.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Courage must be guided by wisdom and morality to be truly virtuous.

Should we always extend kindness to others?

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Acts of kindness can transform lives and communities.
  • Background: Brief overview of kindness and its importance.
  • Thesis Statement: Extending kindness is generally beneficial and fosters positive relationships, but there are situations where it may not be appropriate or effective.

II. Supporting View 1: Promotes Positive Relationships

  • Topic Sentence: Kindness fosters positive relationships and social harmony.
  • Example 1: In Japan, cultural emphasis on politeness and kindness strengthens community bonds.
  • Example 2: In Denmark, the concept of “hygge” includes kindness and promotes social well-being.
  • Analysis: Discuss how kindness leads to stronger, happier communities.

III. Supporting View 2: Enhances Mental Health

  • Topic Sentence: Acts of kindness improve mental health for both giver and receiver.
  • Example 1: Studies in the UK show volunteering increases happiness and reduces depression.
  • Example 2: Kindness practices in Bhutan, influenced by Gross National Happiness, improve societal well-being.
  • Analysis: Examine how kindness enhances mental health and overall happiness.

IV. Opposing View 1: Potential for Exploitation

  • Topic Sentence: Kindness can sometimes lead to exploitation and dependency.
  • Example 1: In India, excessive kindness in business contexts may lead to unfair practices.
  • Example 2: In Greece, economic crisis showed how continuous kindness without boundaries led to exploitation.
  • Analysis: Discuss how constant kindness might lead to negative outcomes like exploitation.

V. Opposing View 2: Ineffectiveness in Certain Situations

  • Topic Sentence: Kindness is not always effective in all situations.
  • Example 1: In conflict zones, like parts of the Middle East, kindness alone does not resolve deep-seated issues.
  • Example 2: In competitive environments, such as in some South Korean schools, strict discipline is valued over kindness.
  • Analysis: Explore how in some situations, other approaches may be more appropriate than kindness.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: While kindness is generally beneficial and fosters positive relationships, it may not always be appropriate or effective.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Strive for a balance, recognising when kindness is best and when other responses are necessary.

In today’s knowledge based economy, what you earn equals what you have learned. Do you agree?

I. Introduction

  • Hook: As the global economy shifts towards valuing knowledge and skills, the correlation between education and earnings becomes increasingly significant.
  • Background: Brief overview of the knowledge-based economy and its emphasis on education and skills.
  • Thesis Statement: In today’s knowledge-based economy, earnings largely depend on one’s education and skills, but other factors such as socio-economic background, networking, and market demand also play crucial roles in determining income.

II. Supporting View 1: Education and Skills Directly Influence Earnings

  • Topic Sentence: Higher education and specialised skills directly correlate with higher earnings in the knowledge-based economy.
  • Example 1: In Germany, individuals with advanced degrees in STEM fields earn significantly higher salaries compared to those with only secondary education.
  • Example 2: In Singapore, the government’s focus on upskilling and continuous education has resulted in higher earnings for professionals in tech and finance sectors.
  • Analysis: Discuss how these examples demonstrate the clear link between education/skills and earning potential, supporting the argument that what you earn depends on what you have learned.

III. Supporting View 2: Demand for Knowledge and Expertise

  • Topic Sentence: The growing demand for specialised knowledge and expertise further emphasises the link between learning and earning.
  • Example 1: In South Korea, the tech industry’s rapid growth has created a high demand for skilled software developers, leading to lucrative salaries for those with the right qualifications.
  • Example 2: The biotechnology boom in Switzerland has resulted in high-paying jobs for individuals with specialised degrees in biotech and life sciences.
  • Analysis: Examine how these examples illustrate that industries prioritising knowledge and expertise reward individuals with relevant educational backgrounds and skills.

IV. Opposing View 1: Influence of Socio-Economic Background

  • Topic Sentence: Socio-economic background significantly affects earning potential, sometimes outweighing educational achievements.
  • Example 1: In India, socio-economic disparities mean that individuals from privileged backgrounds often have better access to quality education and job opportunities, leading to higher earnings regardless of their skills.
  • Example 2: In the United Kingdom, a report by the Sutton Trust indicates that individuals from affluent families often secure higher-paying jobs through connections and social capital, even if their academic achievements are not exceptional.
  • Analysis: Discuss how these examples show that socio-economic background can have a substantial impact on earnings, challenging the notion that income is solely dependent on education and skills.

V. Opposing View 2: Role of Networking and Market Demand

  • Topic Sentence: Networking and current market demand for certain professions also play crucial roles in determining earnings.
  • Example 1: In Japan, the tradition of lifelong employment with large corporations often means that networking and company loyalty can lead to higher earnings, sometimes more so than individual qualifications.
  • Example 2: The fluctuating demand in the gig economy, prevalent in many European countries, means that earnings can vary widely regardless of education, with market demand for certain skills dictating income levels.
  • Analysis: Explore how these factors demonstrate that while education is important, other elements such as networking and market dynamics also critically influence earning potential.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: While education and skills are crucial determinants of earnings in the knowledge-based economy, socio-economic background, networking, and market demand significantly influence income, suggesting a multifaceted relationship between learning and earning.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views discussed.
  • Final Thought: Emphasise the importance of recognising and addressing the various factors influencing earnings to create a more equitable and meritocratic economic landscape.