Only educated people should have the right to vote in elections. What is your view?


The US Presidential election in 2016 shocked everyone. This was because a billionaire businessman who never held political office had been elected to the most powerful position in the world. Furthermore, his win stemmed from ethnic antagonism, strict immigration controls, sexism and hate mongering. Such results lead to the question: should only educated people have the right to vote? There are people who agree that only educated people should vote as they can make rational decisions. On the other hand, there are those who believe that voting should be accessible to all as everyone has their own set of beliefs. Agreeing with the latter view, it can be contended that everyone should have the right to vote regardless of education because equality in political decisions is necessary and helps us in identifying issues that are prevalent in the society. 

Voting rights should not be limited to educated people as everyone’s vote counts. Voting has been an important democratic right. In a democracy every single vote is important because it represents the people. Voting right if given only an educated group means that we are ignoring the voices and opinions of thousands who are uneducated. In developed modern democracies people have the right to vote equally because votes are the collective beliefs and opinions of the populace. In countries like the United Kingdom and Singapore, voting rights have been endowed upon all of voting age. Thus, it is important that everyone is given equal rights to vote regardless of education because that is the true essence of democracy.  

Those who argue that educated people should be the only ones to vote believe that they are politically literate.  However, there is no truth in this argument. Though education is an important tool in giving us wider perspectives on various social subjects. However, just because a person is educated does not mean that he is politically knowledgeable. Even educated people find the subject of politics complicated and lack knowledge on political matters. On the contrary uneducated people are more likely to understand political matters than the educated people. This can be seen in countries like India where uneducated voters play an important role in the elections. The second issue lies with the ambiguousness of the term educated. Would a person from high school be considered educated enough to vote? In schools or colleges no one studies in-depth politics, thus it should not be a factor in allowing someone to vote. Therefore, education does not translate into political knowledge or awareness which means that everyone should have the right to vote in elections. 

A true democracy allows all people to vote and brings forth the issues of social importance. Giving voting rights to only one group is a form of inequality. Voting rights given to all regardless of educational qualifications allows representation of all people and not just a selection of people. For example, despite controversial views of Trump on immigration and trade, Americans chose him because he spoke of issues that affected people from lower socio-economic backgrounds. His statements of restoring America to greatness struck a chord with many Americans that eventually led to him winning the elections. However, there are many opposed and still oppose the Trump administration. Democracy is the power due to which various political and social issues can come to the front. If only educated people are allowed to vote only issues affecting them will get highlighted and the uneducated will be completely disenfranchised. This can lead to conflict and tensions within the society and can also lead to prejudice and violence. Thus, it is important that everyone is allowed to vote regardless of educational background. 

In conclusion, allowing only one group – the educated people – to vote than the uneducated people is discriminatory and should not be allowed. Favouring the educated over the uneducated goes against the basic tenets of democracy which asks for equality to be practiced. Voting should be allowed for all because it helps highlight the issues of all the groups involved and not just the elite. In a nutshell, allowing everyone to vote is a step in the right direction towards equality.