Poetry is irrelevant in the modern world. To what extent do you agree?

Possible points for discussing if poetry is irrelevant in the modern world

  • discuss examples of poetry
  • consider the extent to which poetry remains relevant today
  • make a judgement, based on the consideration of the evidence and argument put forward to discuss if poetry is irrelevant or relevant.
  • the integral role it plays in its literary and cultural heritage
  • the strong relationship between poetry and popular modern music forms
  • the continuing popularity of nursery rhymes and rhyme as tools for educating children
  • poetic devices as features of language and literature for appreciation and study
  • eternal themes and emotions expressed in poetry remain relevant
  • poetry as a means to demonstrate creativity and freedom of expression
  • poetry is seen as a niche pursuit in comparison with other art forms
  • poets experiencing difficulty in selling their work could discourage aspiring writers.