To what extent has migration harmed the development of your country?

Possible points discussing how has migration harmed the development

  • consider the reasons why migration is necessary
  • discuss the positive and negative impacts migration can have on a country
  • analyze the evidence and arguments to make a judgment on how has migration harmed the development of your country.
  • the various forms of migration and factors that push or pull migrants
  • the detrimental effects of migration on the social, cultural and economic issues within a country
  • potential medical impacts caused by allowing free movement between countries
  • the impact of specific demographic groups entering or leaving a country
  • it enables safety from oppressive regimes, severe famines and other societal problems
  • it helps in filling up job vacancies enabling the country to prosper
  • the development of tolerance and understanding within the country in welcoming others.
  • Examine the long-term effects of brain drain caused by migration on the development of your country.
  • Consider the role of government policies and regulations in managing migration and minimizing its detrimental effects on development.