Fossil fuel extraction belongs in the past not the future. Evaluate this statement.

Possible Points of discussion for fossil fuel extraction belonging in the past not the future.

  • consider the reasons why fossil fuels may be the energy of the past
  • assess the alternatives to fossil fuel extraction
  • make a judgement based on a consideration of the evidence and argument put forward.
  • fossil fuels becoming depleted, due to excessive extraction of them in the past
  • fossil fuels are damaging the environment and considerably increasing pollution
  • the stability of the international order being threatened by the dependence on fossil fuels
  • fossil fuels no longer being a primary source in many countries as they have been replaced by renewable energy
  • renewable energy not being able to meet the energy demands of many countries
  • continual improvements made in increasing the efficiency of renewable energy generation
  • modern nuclear energy provides a safe and reliable source of energy
  • the dangers of neglecting fossil fuels when other methods cannot deliver or are too costly.

To what extent has traditional family life lost its importance in your country?

Possible points for discussing if traditional family life has lost its importance

  • examine the role of the traditional family in their country
  • consider how far traditional family life has lost its importance
  • make a judgement, based on the consideration of the evidence and argument put forward.
  • the changing view of gender roles in society at large being reflected in life at home
  • less attention being given to the elders in society, with a resultant loss of respect
  • more knowledge of what is happening in the wider world provides alternative examples of family life
  • the influence of technology, especially on the young, meaning that family authority is eroded
  • most upbringing being still in the area of one’s birth, where tradition often prevails
  • how traditional values are linked to family structure and way of living
  • the impact of migration as people leave from or return to their countries
  • familial bonds being difficult to break, even when younger members leave the area.