Seek simplicity. Is this sound advice?


Simplicity may very well be sound advice for some but it is often so otherwise. Due to Globalisation and the redevelopment of our country, we have undergone significant changes in our lives. The environment complicates life as it forces us to adapt to changes. Thus it no longer allows us to seek simplicity but instead, it demands creativity and deep analysis. Such advice would get us nowhere because economies have evolved into a knowledge-based, technological economy. We can no longer seek to be simple in our lifestyle and thinking. Thus in this essay, I would discuss whether it is sound advice in terms of seeking a simple lifestyle, be it in education, attaining in east-west perspective, agrarian-industrial-technological edge or in media.[P1] 

Globalisation, the interconnectedness of countries and the complication of networks have led to a more demanding and stressful lives. As  countries progresses with the world, it has resulted in more work, less of a social life and time for family and friends, putting a strain on modern lives. Due to more competition, the working life increasingly pushes for more brainstorming of creative ideas and innovation. Hence I would say, seeking simplicity is not achievable. In such an economy, being simple and carefree would put one to disadvantage as the people out there are putting in  extra effort to go all out as they climb up the ladder in their careers. As such, the economy looks for career minded-driven people to prosper the economy and would never make room those who are always just satisfied with life. The simple-minded who have less innovative ideas and drive would then lose their competitiveness in the workforce. Economics and business in particular, requires creative and critical thinking to maintain a competitive edge and more importantly to survive in an ever-changing economy. Since our environment has changed our lives and the mindset of individuals, it is no longer sound advice to settle for an easy way out of things.

However, it is still possible for some to seek simplicity even in such a competitive world. Certain people are more fun-orientated, they prefer to travel and enjoy life rather then working their hearts out for the job they are holding. They live a simplistic life, realizing their dreams and being easy satisfied with rewards or the happiness of one. Hence it would be sound advice not only for people who do not have to experience the stress in office-politics but also those who are currently too overly stressed up due to the demands of work. The stressful lifestyle we lead today should be accompanied with enjoyment and entertainment, therefore at certain breakdowns in our life we should learn to let go and just be simple where our mentality is concerned.[P2] 

Seeking simplicity is never encouraged in the teaching of our young, because it is strongly believed that great minds exercises critical thinking and possess qualities such as creativity, innovation, breaking barriers and the most commonly heard, asking questions. This is so, as questioning is a result of deep thinking and evaluating. Often so, the young are encouraged to be pro-active to challenge the norm instead of keeping mum about things that they are unsure of. Being too accepting would otherwise mean that we do not engage in thinking, evaluating whether the idea is effective, successful, accurate or even to consider in depth the consequences that may arise. In fact, research [P3] has proven that an average student who is pro-active, talkative would fair academically better than any other average student who is a passive learner. Hence an individual who takes on a simplistic mindset would be less capable in life as they are not showing their full potential. This is the worse situation we could be in, if our younger generations are all passive learners, it would be a matter of time when foreign talents would replace our workforce who is no longer productive and efficient. Our country would be at the brink of collapse because we would be vulnerable to external attacks as the leaders are not able to lead and bring our country to greater heights. Being too satisfied with a simple life would result in decisions made simply without much considerations and unintended consequence would certainly be harmful and disastrous to the masses.

Apart from that, it is important to note that seeking simplicity may be sound advice for certain particular countries such as the East but may not be applicable for the West. This is because in the east, people follow closely to the rules[P4] . Thus, being able to follow rules and tradition is their main concern in life. In this case they are just leading a simple life without much worries, as they are easily satisfied. With the happiness, they live life to the fullest and I would not object to that [P5] as seeking simplicity is exactly what they do to achieve their success in life. However, for the westerner who treasures freedom, liberty, promotes creativity, innovation and believe in risk-taking as one make their own decisions in life, they therefore seek not simplicity but the best in life[P6] . They believe that one should enjoy quality life, as life is short and ought to be well spent. This is especially so when you see the difference in their attitude towards even having a dinner. While the Chinese just want to be comfortable in the place they eat and of cause eating their favorite traditional food, the Westerners are more particular in the food that goes into their stomach. That is why they are willing to even travel all around the world to look for delicacies in different countries. Hence, whether it is a sound advice would depend on the different people’s demands and needs and the quality of life they seek to have

As we progressed from Agricultural to Industrialisation to post-industrial age, which we are in today, it is increasingly getting tougher and tougher to live life simply. In the Agricultural age, farming and harvesting would be for the sake of the income in which farmers and their family rely greatly on for survival. The simple goal and purpose in life seldom give much trouble. Then came industrialization, where people put themselves up to the jobs in factories that manufacture clothes and products. Life for this group of people have become less simple as skills are required and necessary for a working employee. As the competition got tougher through the introduction of technology such as the computers and other machineries, there is a greater demand for skills. And this is when the economy starts to complicate things and people’s life, thus forcing us out of our comfort zone and therefore it does not allow us to seek simplicity as much as we could in those days of the past.

In short, the accuracy of the statement is greatly dependent on the people and environment we are living in today. I have shown that the statement is largely not a sound advice but seriously, the word “simplicity” is sometimes unclear as there is till now no proper definition of the word and there are different perspectives of people which determines whether they ought to follow the advice or not. Hence, there is nothing such as a absolutely no answer but I would tend towards the side that says- seeking simplicity is not a sound advice because although being simple would reduce troubles and allow for happiness, this is not the way to go about because people would lack certain drive that is critical in life.[P7] 

Not a bad attempt. Examples are sorely lacking, but you did bring up some contextual aspects towards the end.

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 [P1]Your thesis statement is not properly formed. The use of east-west, AIT and media is not proper. You could say: I will discuss how seeking simplicity in this modern world which is highly influenced by the west and media is unachievable.

 [P2]Good  counter argument, but you should have listed an example here. You could have talked about GP Tutors J

 [P3]By whom? If you just say ‘research has proven…’ it will be taken against you. If you don’t know of an authorative figure or organization, then don’t use the word research.

 [P4]What rules. Are countries in the east playing games? Please be specific.

 [P5]Why will you not object? What has your acceptance got to do with ‘them’?

 [P6]You are making a sweeping statement here. You have anything to back-up your statement?

 [P7]Don’t be ambigious in your conclusion. Be FORCEFUL! Say what you need to say without being a ‘diplomat’. The examiner wants to see the critical side of you.