How can national identity be fostered in a society like Singapore?

national identity

The racial issue has always been one that arouses passion and often, animosity amongst rival races. Indeed, since time immemorial, conflicts have been waged by people of different racial backgrounds. The prospect of further racial confrontations was greatly enhanced after the Second World War, in which many multi-racial countries were hastily carved out of the ruins by the victors. The rifts between the peoples of different races often run deep and take centuries to heal. Hence, in a multi-ethnic society like Singapore, the importance of fostering a national identity cannot be overemphasised

What is national identity? How does it heal the deeply entrenched animosity between two ethnic cultures? The importance of national identity lies in its ability to help integrate peoples of various backgrounds by creating a mindset focussed on the national, rather than racial unity

By seeking to bridge the centuries old racial gap, individuals are encouraged to regard themselves as citizens of a nation instead of members of a race, and to gradually discard the suspicions of old

In most countries, the inculcation of a symbol of the nation’s uniqueness is a long, arduous process. The most basic, fundamental step is the creation of the pillars of the national constitution. This includes the national flag, anthem, language, pledge and constitution. The Singapore national anthem, Majulah Singapura and pledge, aptly represents the ideals of the Malay forefathers who had founded the nation. The daily enunciation of such ideals, though criticised as a subtle form of brainwashing is essential to the development of national pride and unity.

Try writing using the below points:

  1. Hosting the Youth Olympic games.
  2. National education in Singapore.
  3. Racial Harmony Day and Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act.