Women will never enjoy the same rights as men. Do you agree?

women will never enjoy the same rights as men

The issue of gender equality has been discussed and debated for centuries. While optimists believe that gender equality is attainable. There are others who have offered cynical views on the issue stating that it is a difficult and unachievable goal. It can be said that women’s rights can be improved in the future but women will never enjoy the same rights as men due to social, political and religious beliefs.

Women and men enjoy equal rights only in progressive societies. Women in countries like the US, UK and Canada have proved that women can contribute to the economy significantly. Women of today are empowered; this is evident from protests and parades where they fight for their rights. Women today even are given the same suffrage rights and the authority to make decisions about their lives. Thus, women do have a chance at attaining equal rights as men, but for now, the most impact is in progressive societies. While feminist movements have empowered women, these movements have not been enough in bringing equal rights for women than men already enjoy. It is evident from the fact that women still do not get paid equal wages and are still under-represented in political fields. In Middle Eastern countries women are still oppressed and do not even enjoy basic rights such as education. This clearly shows that demonstrations and protests are not enough to bring equal rights to women if the governments and businesses are not ready to listen. Therefore, women will never enjoy the same rights due to various factors like society and politics being at play. 

In countries with religious influence women still remain as second-class citizens. Religion continues to be a driving force in many people’s lives. Religious texts have often portrayed women in submissive roles. In Christianity, the bible not only prescribes women to be submissive to husbands but even to the church and the community. Similarly, in the Jewish religious texts, hierarchies of gender are deeply entrenched. This is evident in several verses like Exodus 21:10 where god ordains men taking several wives. Though many liberals may find it in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which emphasise on equality, life and personal security. However, in many countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Egypt, women’s rights are negligible and women do not enjoy equal rights in the name of traditions. Therefore, religious ideas deeply influence mindsets which can be a hindrance to the dream of attaining equal rights for men and women. 

Women do not enjoy equal rights in terms of wages. Despite various campaigns and efforts to close the gap between wages, the gap still exists. The issue of equal pay is even prevalent in developed countries. While Nordic countries have attained equal rights for women and men, the other countries are still lagging. In fact, a report published by The World Economic Forum states that for equal pay to come into picture women will have to wait until the year 2277. In developed countries like Singapore, women still earn less than women. A study by the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore found that women earned 6 per cent less than their male peers in 2018. Though the gender gap exists today, in the future women might receive close to equal if not equal pay. Therefore, equal rights between men and women would be difficult to achieve. 

Though inequality is not beneficial to society in any way, equal rights for women is a difficult goal to achieve due to various religious and social factors. In sectors like education and work women still have a long way to go. If one needs to attain equal rights for men and women there is a need to tackle inequality in all forms. Political, religious and cultural leaders have to make a concerted push to ensure equal rights. Without a large impetus, equal rights for women will remain a dream.