Essay Questions from Past Years

Essay Questions from past years

Essay Questions from past years. Have a look at these General Paper Essay Questions from past years.

  1. History records male acts, written by males and holds little interest for females as a result.’ Is this a fair comment?
  2. Would it matter if all the performing arts venues in your society, such as concert halls and theatres were closed down?
  3. ‘The book has no place in modern society.’ Discuss.
  4. How far can an individual be held responsible for crimes against humanity?
  5. Can mathematics be seen as anything more than a useful tool in everyday life?
  6. ‘The person who dies rich dies disgraced.’ Discuss.
  7. How important is it for people in your society to retain a sense of tradition?
  8. ‘Taking risks is an essential part of life and should be encouraged.’ Discuss.
  9. Is there any value in preserving minority languages in the world?
  10. Is violence ever justified?
  11. The most influential individuals in history are those who have caused the most harm.’ How far would you accept this view?
  12. To what extent are the rights of animals protected in your society?