Technology has worsened conflict in society. Do you agree?

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Is it fair to say that technology has only  worsened conflict In society?

Modern day Luddities have decried the overgrowth of technology in our lives, claiming that it has worsened our lives. These same neo-technophobes use handphones to communicate, use social media to gain attention and even take comfort in doctors giving them the all clear. These fatalists constantly misread technology and believe that sociopolitical tensions emanate from technology. Nothing can be further than the truth. Technology has not worsened conflict in society.

Anyone that claims that technology has exacerbated the potential for war really does not understand global politics. They cite Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D) as Cold-War relic that still has significance today.  Or these doomsday proponents will raise Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defence Initiative (S.D.I) as an additional example to bolster their weak M.A.D argument. Little do they realize that technology has infact reduced the need for destructive weapons. With military powers gaining technological advances, they have been able to map and track every pontial trouble and threat with satellites, sophisticated eavesdropping devices and surveillance. Now everyone knows what everyone else is doing. The recent war between Armenia and Azerbaijan proved that technology could reduce conflict and collateral damage.

Ignorant science fiction readers constantly get their kickers in a knot when artificial intelligence (AI) is mentioned. Instead of being happy at the progress of technology, they highlight how Boston Dynamics has produced a series of robots that will bring the end of mankind. Such people understand little about economics and productivity. One would go so far as to say that the reruns of Terminator have corrupted their mind to the extent that no logic can work on them. AI’s use is most effective in crunching large data and producing meta-analysis that can be useful. The use of AI in smart decision making, managing repetitive tasks, solving complex problems and enhancing medical science is set-aside and disregarded over science fiction that makes no economic sense.

Technology has provided underprivileged communities with tools needed to  combat systemic  inequalities. One  might  further  argue that  while minorities have historically, always, and inevitably  been underprivileged groups susceptible to  the  prejudices and  discrimination, with today’s technology many groups have become more empowered. These represent an entirely  new set of tools  with which underprivileged groups can finally effectively  contest their  marginalisation.  Social  media,  online learning, and online activism have enabled minority groups to bring attention to their plight, although it might not be significant in bringing immediate change. To say that technology has brought conflict is unfounded. Technology only worsens conflict  because it is unbridled and unregulated, without a strict ethical code  of application and laws  to  prevent its  misuse.  So  long  as  technology and  innovation are coupled with an  effective,  extensive and  comprehensive set  of laws and regulations, its negative impact  can be minimised while the  myriad  of positives it brings  are fully explored and  enjoyed.

There is no doubt that technological development has been  almost  single-handedly  responsible  for  the   astonishing improvement in global  standards of living as witnessed in the  past  three centuries. In itself,  this  has  reduced the  potential for  conflict,  because outright war is disincentivised in a time of material comfort that  risks ruination were  conflict  and  disruption to  arise.  Technology has not worsened conflict.