Points for Nanotechnology immense potential in medical science
• Can target specific cells
• Nanotechnology has immense potential in medical science as it can help in attacking cancers
• Tiny robots have been developed that can travel through the
bloodstream attending to damaged tissue or carrying medicines to
specific parts of the body
• Microchip implants can help the paralysed regain use of their limbs
• Nerve cells from the nose have been removed and transplanted to
treat a damaged spinal column
• Microprocessing is an example of nanotechnology – if it has benefits
here why not elsewhere?
• Safety issues when materials are reduced to the nanoscale – they
might replicate alarmingly and congregate in the lungs, for example
• Nanoparticles pour out of car exhausts and these are toxic
• Sufferers from diabetes could benefit – no need to inject – insulin is
released when needed
• The management of treatment for a range of conditions could
become dramatically less onerous