GP Essay Questions on Environment

GP Essay Questions on Environment

GP Essay Questions on Environment. Have a look at these GP Essay Questions on Environment from the past papers

  1. How far can we satisfy the worldwide demand for food and still protect the environment?
  2. Environmental concerns and economic growth cannot co-exist.’ Do you agree?
  3. Should we be concerned about the ‘greenhouse effect’?
  4. ‘Human beings have unlimited desires, but limited resources.’ Is it possible to reconcile the two?
  5. ‘The only future for the car is its elimination.’ Discuss.
  6. Consider whether noise is a problem in modern society.
  7. Evaluate the problems, and benefits, of the various ways in which society deals with waste materials.
  8. ‘Air travel creates more problems than benefits.’ Is this a fair comment?
  9. Have multi-national businesses had a positive or negative impact on your society?
  10. How far is recycling the answer to the problem of waste?
  11. Can the transport of food over vast distance be justified?
  12. Is effective farming possible without science?