GP Essay Questions on Technology 8/100

GP Essay Questions on Technology

GP Essay Questions on Technology. Have a look at these GP Essay Questions on Technology from the past papers

  1. Can the transplanting of animal organs into human beings ever be justified?
  2. Is space exploration worthwhile?
  3. What scientific or technological advances have most affected modern life in your country?
  4. How far should scientists be held responsible for the effects of their discoveries?
  5. “Modern methods of transport have transformed our world into a village.” Is this a blessing or a curse?
  6. ‘Nuclear weapons have ceased to serve any purpose and should be abolished.’ Discuss.
  7. Examine the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the use of satellite technology.
  8. To what extent is continued research into nuclear power justifiable?
  9. Is greater life expectancy always desirable?
  10. Can the trade in weapons ever be justified?
  11. ‘Air travel creates more problems than benefits.’ Is this a fair comment?
  12. Does the modern world place too much reliance on technology?
  13. Discuss the benefits and disadvantages which technological developments are likely to have upon education in the near future.
  14. ‘The first duty of a doctor has always been to preserve life.’ How far can this principle still be maintained?
  15. ‘Mass production inevitably means a loss of craftsmanship and quality.’ Is this true in your society?