Science and religion will always come into conflict. Discuss.

science and religion always conflict

It is pervasive, although not unanimous, the perception that science and religion always conflict with each other due to their different natures. While science seeks answers to questions about natural phenomena or occurrences and tries to explain them based on observation and evidence, religion is based on faiths that cannot be questioned and no explanations are needed for such beliefs. Admittedly, there are some elements of truth in this argument about the incompatibility of science and religion, as attested to by the controversy over the origin of life leading to issues of pro-life or pro-choice as well as homosexuality issues. However, by and large, it is my opinion that the assertion in the question is somewhat sweeping and does not accurately reflect a reality where the role of media as well as the unilateral agreement of science and technology on different practices such as yoga, Zen and meditation. [good intro]

At the very root of the conflict between science and religion is the origin of life. Although there has been a considerable amount of evidence to prove the existence of evolutionism suggested by Darwin in the 19th century,  the long-entrenched idea that the world was created by God or deities of different religious groups is still prevalent and sustainable. As a result, there have been numerous debates relating to human life, especially in the case of euthanasia, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. People who are scientists or pro-choice believe that euthanasia is merciful as it can cease the sufferings of the patients, especially those who are enduring from terminal diseases. Besides, these people also believe that the stem cell, as well as the foetus, is not yet a human but a mass of tissue and thus, parents should be given the rights to abort their own children since they cannot give their children a happy and healthy life due to hereditary diseases of or unwanted pregnancy caused by rape or incest. On the contrary, people who are religious, particularly the traditional Christians who predominate in the Western Hemisphere and some European countries strongly believe that it is against God’s will to take away any life, be it healthy or suffering in pain and agony. As God is the one who gives humans lives life, every life is sacred from the moment of fertilization. and Human dignity must be protected in all circumstances. Thus, according to these people, no one is to have has the right to end another lives life. Due to the difference in ideologies, the conflict between science and religion over these medical issues is undeniable.

However, it is too early and presumptuous to conclude that science and religion always comes into conflicts. We have to scrutinize the issue by looking at the role of religious beliefs in shaping or driving people into actions that accrue to what they believe to be right. There are many different sets of rules and teachings that are followed by different religious groups of people or individuals. For people who hold strong faith that God creates the world, science and religion seem to not able to come into terms due to the disagreements present above. Meanwhile, for others such as people who are followers of Eastern religions such as Hindu and Buddhism who believe that there is no masterplan of the universe and individual virtue, karma determines what happens to one’s spirit in the next life, they find euthanasia as well as abortion and stem cell research indeed acceptable. As a result, in this case of Eastern religions, there is actually no conflict between these religions and science that is observed in the case of Western religions. [where is the authority concerning the points you raised]

Another issue of contention between science and religion is one person’s sexual orientation  Due to different attitudes towards homosexuality, conflict unavoidably arises. To the liberal members of the society who believe in science, homosexuality is an unchosen orientation that is genetically predetermined or trigger by the unknown environmental factor in early childhood. As a result, to them, homosexuality is free of sin if it is safe and consensual. Meanwhile, to the more conservative side who are influenced heavily by religious precepts, homosexuality is actually an undesirable lifestyle that one chooses to live with or maybe caused by sexual molestation during childhood or even demon possession. As it is written in the Bible and strongly disapproved by the Vatican, homosexuality is considered a serious sin that endangers the family as well the society as a whole. Therefore, science and religion appear to be incompatible completely in this case. However, it would be too sweeping to assert a conclusion that science and religion always come into conflicts. In today’s world, as people become more open and less conformist, the idea of homosexuality is gradually accepted by societies. Although homosexuality is not officially approved by the religious groups,  the religious groups now become less harsh over such issues. As a result, in recent years, many bishops and priests in the Anglican churches have been reported to public their true sexual orientation. Despite receiving criticisms, they have also received supports from the followers. Therefore, it should not be concluded that science and religion is not agreeable as due to the openness of the world to new perspectives and concepts, it is likely that the conservative people will be gradually receptive of the “abnormal” as stated in their religions. Thus, science and religion would actually come into terms instead of conflicts.

Besides areas of conflicts, there exists areas where science and technology in fact agree with each other which are the practices of yoga, zen and meditation. Originated from Hinduism, yoga has been practiced by this religion’s followers by thousand of years as a form of worshipping and displaying their faiths. Nowadays, yoga is practiced throughout the globe by people of different religions as well the atheists. Yoga has been proven scientifically to improve people’s health and concentration as well as a useful tool to distress especially in this fast-pacing and competitive world. Besides, there is evidence supporting that yoga helps improve the flexibility of the body structure and thus slows down the ageing process. Though less practiced than yoga, zen and meditation are now recognized in the globe to have positive effects on people’s physical and mental well being as well. Even though people practice yoga or meditation with different purposes, be it for their health or religious beliefs, such practice is an epitome of the intersection of science and religion. Therefore, the claim that science and religion are invariably incompatible is actually proven fallacious.

Moreover, we should also examine how religion makes use of science in form of technology, particularly communication technology in order to spread their ideologies and beliefs. The new media including of the Internet, interactive programs, social networks like Facebook, Friendster as well as online diaries known as blogs have been employed by the religious groups as a platform to showcase their faiths and practices. While it was difficult to gather people with same beliefs or to invite people to have the same beliefs in the past, religious groups nowadays find it much more easier to have discussion online as well as announce the locations and timings of gatherings and meetings. Even in some undesirable cases, the extremists can spread their religious beliefs to people all over the world and inculcate into them the idea of violence and terrorism in the name of religion. As a result, religions, thanks to technology advancement are actually reinforced and strengthened instead of being weakened due to conflicts. Thus, religion and science do not always come into disagreement undoubtedly.

In conclusion, there are undeniably issues that cause conflicts between religions and science. However, the abundance of exceptions in objection to such an assertion truly attests to the absurdity of accepting it wholeheartedly. As it is, while there exist conflicts, so do agreements. That is to say, there should not be an overgeneralization about the relationship between science and religion. There should be at best the ability to co-exist of science and religion as both have significant impacts on human lives.