New Media has changed our lives for the better. How far do you agree?

New Media has changed our lives for the better

“Those who control the media, control the mind”. Indeed, this statement holds much validity in today’s society as a result of the media’s significant presence in our lives and d ability to dictate our actions. Technological advancements have catalyzed the evolution of media, giving rise to new media in the form of the internet, smartphones and video games, amongst many others. Mankind has been positively affected by new media it is a tool that many uses in their daily lives. Despite the harmful aspects of new media, it can be agreed that new media has indeed changed our lives for the better. It has transformed the face of education, provided better avenues of entertainment and relief and has aided the masses in the dissemination of information. All of the aforementioned are unprecedented changes that have affected the individual and community, changing their lives for the better.

               New media has played a pivotal role in positively transforming the educational scene globally. The Internet has become an increasingly effective platform for educators who wish to disseminate information and has provided students with greater opportunities for learning. Case in point would be Multiple Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which has educational material mostly in video format for nearly all age groups and subjects. Examples of MOOCs would be Khan Academy and Coursera, which ties up with universities such as Harvard University and Stanford University. Through this, individuals whose education was hampered due to poor socio-economic backgrounds or lack of basic literacy would be able to access education at their own convenience. This is also an important change because students can learn at their own pace, in comparison to the bullet train speed of information covered in schools. In South Korea, schools’ syllabi will be fully digitized by 2014, resulting in greater convenience for students and overall cheaper school fees in the long run because updating and replacing print material would not be required. Not only does this evolution from print material results in greater convenience, but it also improves flexibility in how education is provided because of the accessibility of a myriad of resources. In India, inexpensive tablet PCs will be distributed to schools to facilitate easier means of accessing information and providing facilities for students to learn effectively. This is a revolutionary change, akin to the benefits that South Korean students will receive as well. Although the provisions of tablet PCs and the significance of the internet has surfaced benefits, individuals from developing countries face an interesting conundrum. Those with low levels of educational qualifications or lacklustre economic backgrounds may see themselves as unable to afford such technology and may be lacking in media literacy, this may result in the inability to reap the full benefits that such services can provide. However, this is where subsidies by the government and private firms can come in to ease the accessibility of these services. The incentive in doing so would be that the long-term benefits outweigh the short term costs. Thus, through new media, education has evolved into being accessible to more and therefore has changed lives for the better.

               Another aspect which new media has significantly affected is the ease of information dissemination. Through the internet, smartphones and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, information has managed to travel faster and further. Catastrophic events such as the Boston Bombings in 2013 went instantaneously viral through social media. Within minutes, everyone was informed about the massacre and received minute-by-minute updates on the situation. This enabled the instant mobilization of rescue missions and investigation into the injustice committed. Without new media, it would have been less likely that the masses, both locally and worldwide, would have been aware of this situation. Additionally, the rehabilitation of the city would have slowed down. The internet was also utilized in locating the criminals, creating relief as justice was being done. Another instance of the use of new media was the Arab Spring, where Facebook and Twitter were used to rally support for the cause and improve the regional situation so many wished to see a change in. Without such means, the movement would have been slower in garnering support and informing the masses of the causes. The dealing with the 2013 haze crisis in Singapore is testament to the positive change that resulted through new media. The government constantly posted regular updated on the National Environment Agency website, Twitter and online news channels to inform citizens about the Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) levels. In the absence of such information, citizens would have underestimated the severity of the situation, resulting in detrimental impacts on their health. This aspect of informing established an effective means of protecting citizens’ welfare. Therefore, the new media has changed the way we are informed through the dissemination of information, resulting in positive change.

               One of the functions of the media is to provide entertainment. New media has successfully filled in this role and changed lives for the better with creating outlets for release. According to the media catharsis theory, the media is an avenue for the release of one’s emotions. If an individual is angry, he or she simply switches on the game console and indulges in endless hours of DOTA or Grand Theft Auto. This is a transformation from more passive means of entertainment, such as watching television, as one is actively engaged in the script of the video game. After emerging triumphant, the individual feels more relieved and less burdened with emotions, moving on. This change lives for the better, as it is an outlet for the release of stress and anxiety. Video games could also serve as a means to bond over common interests and help in developing critical thinking skills. However, this is contrary to the cultivation theory that insists that engaging in such violent games may cause a criminal or murderer to emerge. Although trends have been observed, the instances of criminals and murders being significant gamers are relatively isolated, coincidental and do not factor in the other trigger factors of such inappropriate behaviour. Therefore, the ability to release one’s emotions and bond over common interests, new media in the form of video games can be claimed to have changed lives for the better.

               Despite the aforementioned positive attributes of new media, it is worth acknowledging that new media has its limitations as well. Through the emergence of social media platforms, a rather narcissistic society has come to be. A 2012 Pen Research survey conducted revealed that 91% of Facebook users post photos of themselves from an increase from 60% in 2010. This can suggest that individuals are becoming more active in portraying themselves in a particular manner on social media, creating a self-absorbed and obsessed mentality. The vast and extensive nature of the internet has created opportunities for increased vulnerability for groups of users due to inappropriate material. The presence of pornography on the Internet and obscene videos such as Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball can imply that the internet is not a safe place for the young. However, many countries apply strict censorship laws and individuals also apply self-censorship to such material. However, despite the means of controlling the flow of inappropriate information, new media has its limitations making lives worse off.

In conclusion, new media has played a pivotal part in our lives. Overall, it has indeed changed our lives for the better in terms of education, entertainment, and awareness. Contrarily, the perils of such a platform are present as well. To ensure that new media continuously plays a positive role in transforming our lives, those controlling the media must exercise caution and responsibility in how what and why something is present in the media. The media should quintessentially serve the needs and wants of the greater society, however, idealistic that may seem. As new media is constantly changing, so is its impact on society, whether it be positive or negative. New media has indeed changed our lives for the better and it is up to us, the consumers, as well as those controlling the media to ensure that the status quo remains or changes for the better.