Historical figures that have caused the most harm are the most influential. How far do you agree?

The undeniable truth is that the most influential individuals in history are those who have done the most good, and not the most harm. Historical figures like Mandela, Che Guevera and Einstein have imparted ideas and values that still continue to inspire people. Their influence cannot be measured against vile and vicious leaders.

Historical Figures

Historical figures are those people who have left a significant mark on people and have influenced society or the world in one way or another. Many historical figures are remembered because of their heroic deeds and their name is taken with love and respect. While others are known for their atrocities and tyranny and sheer thought of these people brings feelings of disgust and anger. It would be myopic to say that historical figures that have caused the most harm are most influential. Those that have worked tirelessly to make a difference in this world are far more many than the few that have caused the most harm.

People who are of the view that we remember historical figures of the harm they cause, may often cite examples of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. These people plundered and caused destruction of life and land. So cruel were their actions that millions of people faced atrocities like genocide, ethnic cleansing, slavery, and arbitrary homicide. Their actions are still remembered by many people today and their name is spoken with utter disdain but it would be difficult to accept that they left a lasting influence of their ethos and pathos. 

However, there are people in history who have done great deeds and have left a legacy. Though people may feel sad and grieve about people who have lost lives during the atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein or Muamar Ghaddhafi, people cannot forget the historical heroes who worked for the greater good of the society and left a legacy for people which is still followed. The teachings of Mahatma Gandhi of truth and non-violence resonate with people even today. Similarly, the teachings of The Dalai Lama about patience, tolerance and forgiveness has immense influence on people.  Thus, it can be said that historical figures that have done good leave a better and lasting influence on people than historical figures who have harmed the humanity.

Many historical figures like artists, philosophers and scientists have provided insights into the workings of the world. There are also those who have invented and discovered things that have impacted humans in great ways. For example, writers like Gabriel García Márquez has influenced writers and readers across the world. His influential works like One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera has inspired modern writers like Salman Rushdie to adopt Marquez’s style of writing and has used it in many of his novels. Words of William Shakespeare too hold significant power today. No English literature class is complete without studying his works. Art of Frida Kahlo, portrayed the struggle for self-determination in the lives of women still connects with many women and men today. Thus, people who have influenced society in a positive way by portraying their society in real form and trying to bring change have had a greater influence than people who have harmed the humanity.

There are those who argue that those who have caused the most harm leave a lasting influence. It is true in some sense because it helps people in avoiding the mistakes the historical figures made. For instance, some may assert that the memory of the Holocaust under Hitler’s reign will prevent humanity from repeating such an atrocity. However, this is not true because evil acts are a part of society if historical atrocities are a reminder that we should not commit these crimes then why do racial prejudice, islamophobia and sentiments like anti-Semitism still exist? People like Hitler have simply been replaced by men like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who once declared his intention to wipe Israel “off the world map”. In fact, majority of the middle east harbours the harshest anti-Semitic sentiments.  The media channels in these countries also use provocative Nazi-like language that oppose Israel and the West. Therefore, it can be said that good historical figures leave a lasting impact on people and bring positive change, however, tyrannical historical figures do not leave any guidelines for people or do not inspire others to be less evil.

The undeniable truth is that the most influential individuals in history are those who have done the most good, and not the most harm. Historical figures like Mandela, Che Guevera and Einstein have imparted ideas and values that still continue to inspire people. Their influence cannot be measured against vile and vicious leaders.