- The value of water cannot be pegged to a price.
- Huge palm oil plantations are increasing water toxicity
- Water supplies could be dramatically reduced if ‘fracking’ becomes more common
- The water needs of industry are growing all the time.
- Water shortages show the need for ensuring a clean water supply
- Treatment of wastewater for irrigation and the recycling of sewage water for personal consumption
- The threat of water wars is very so prominent.
- Oil can be replaced but not water and the former may not be a necessity in the future
- Oil may soon be neutralised by alternatives being found
- Large swathes of the world are facing decreased rainfall, a severe drought so the management of water is of urgent strategic importance.
- Desalination can be employed to solve the value of water.
- Freshwater is essential for life. Rationing will not work.
The value of water is more important than the value of oil. Discuss.