• Serious research into the effectiveness of ginseng in improving lung function
• Science and experimental evidence and the attack on chiropractic practices
• Nothing scientific about homoeopathy, iridology, kinesiology, acupuncture, reflexology etc.?
• The example of St John’s Wort in the treatment of mild to moderate depression – a herbal medicine but it has been shown over many years to work
• Both camps can complement one another
• Evidence from personal experience of alternatives cannot be simply dismissed
• The holistic approach – diet, lifestyle etc.
• Working with the intrinsic energy system of the body
• Clinical jealousies, the preservation of medical power
• Corporate power of big Pharma
• The scientific paradigm versus subjective narratives and growing understanding of the human body’s complex adaptive system
• Risks around safety, efficiency, and coordination of care
• The needs of an ageing population and the rise of chronic illnesses
What is now regarded as alternative medicine has been used in some cultures for centuries. Evaluate its relevance in the modern world.