Success can only be measured by wealth and power. Discuss.

success measured by wealth and power?
  • Success is determined in a capitalist society by the amount of wealth one has. In addition, the accumulation of wealth is, for some, the prime motivator in life.
  • Lifestyle choices increase (buying luxury goods or just affording more)
  • and it also influences political power (need money to be elected)
  • Job-status indicates power as many people view janitors differently from judges.
  • Some suggest that suc cess can be measured by achievement of happiness/contentment. Relationships and friendships count as a good indicator
  • Success is subjective and can mean many different things
  • Wealth and power can lead to failure. People may lead an excessive lifestyle and indulge in vices.
  • Other markers can be health or how much one volunteers
  • Media skews the true meaning
  • Many successful people were not wealthy, eg Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein

Read this other essay on success.