Technology only serves to benefit humanity. How far do you agree with this statement?

Technology is a double-edged sword

There is no doubt that technology has become heavily integrated into our everyday lives. There is almost no escape to it and mankind often debate whether technology is good or bad to humanity. Many people believe that technology can only cause harm to their lives and society, while many others strongly defend that technologies have made their lives much more leisurely and enriching than it could have been several hundred years ago. In this 21 century, the advancement in technology has caused both significant negative and positive impacts on mankind. It would be simplistic to say that technology only serves to benefit man. Technology is a double-edged sword concur that technology brings comfort, make life more luxurious for us, however, there are detrimental impacts that have not benefitted mankind at all.

In the perspective of the working economy, the growing technology will lead to a high level of unemployment. In the business world, more and more machinery and computers are taking over man jobs. Since machinery is more efficient than human, machines will be more beneficial to the industry as the production level will increase. As such, this leads to unemployment as machines have replaced human’s work. Standing in the perspective of a manager, since most companies are profit-driven, they would hire more machine than man. The cost of production of producing one quantity of a commodity would decrease as less manpower is needed in the working force. This ultimately means that as technology grows, more and more jobs will be lost which will lead to unemployment. If the majority becomes unemployed due to technology, it may lead to inflation and riots within a country, which will affect the stability of a country. Hence, with the replacement and advancement of machinery, it is no doubt that in this aspect, technology did not help man.

Additionally, technology causes adverse health and psychological impacts. In the area of computers and advanced gadgets, people are spending more time playing computer games, using social networking sites for entertainment and knowledge, chatting and interacting with unknown people and making friends online. Once they are addicted, they do not think of going out and making real friends. These gadgets have attractive features that can cause an individual to be addicted, and plug into the virtual world all the time. This virtual world is known as the internet. As such, the time spent interacting with people physically reduces. At a later stage, this may lead them to loneliness, depression, frustration when betrayed by unknown people besides social isolation from friends and family members. When people of all age become overly addicted to games like Audition SEA or grand theft auto (GTA), these lead to negative impacts such as skipping meals, rejecting people away for entertainment reasons. This kind of addiction does not seem to benefit humanity.

Adding to that, advancement in gadgets technology causes the art of conversation to be diminished. We live in a world where we are constantly connected to our peers. Technology has provided us with ways to always be connected and interact with them at any time of the day. Nowadays, we are so dependent on technology, and since it is always at your fingertips, face to face communication has become less frequent. Instead of one on one communication, we opt for text, email, tweet, or Facebook in the name of convenience. Although technology’s efficiency is greatly appreciated, this causes the art of conversation to be lost. For example, text messages and email allow us to communicate in short, carefully-edited sentences that lack immediacy. It also completely removes the contextual information provided by the tone of voice and body language. As a result, people who connect with others primarily through technology might find it difficult to engage in normal conversation, since they may have issues understanding non-verbal cues due to lack of practice with face-to-face interaction that cannot be paused, edited or filtered. As such, in this aspect, it did not benefit mankind.

Also, in the area of food technology, the creation of genetically modified food give consumers harmful health impacts. Although the storage time for GM food is longer, the process of genetic modification involves inserting a gene from bacteria or a virus into an organism where it would normally not be found. For instance, fish genes are tweaked with a growth hormone that causes the fish to double in size far more quickly than it usually would, so fish farmers can increase their profits. Soybeans that have been genetically modified, for example, can survive applications of herbicides that would destroy an organic soybean plant. To date, GM food has no be certified 100% safe for consumption as there may be hidden harmful impacts when a consumer consumes GM food for a long period of time. No scientist can confidently say that GM food is absolutely safe for consumption. There are no labels on food to identify them as GM food, and this will cause distress to those who consume GM food by accident, or those who do not wish to consume the chemically modified substance. Hence in the area of technology, it can bring anxiety and distress to the people in terms of possible health impacts and unknown consumption of GM food. This shows that food technology in this aspect did not benefit humanity.

On the flip side of the coin, education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of advanced gadgets, aiding students better than before. Where pen and notebooks formed the toolkit of previous generations, today’s learners come to class armed with laptops, smartphone and iPod. There is the use and promotion of several learning portals that allow a student to learn online even when they are unable to attend lessons. The current era of pervasive technology has substantial implication to education. Adding to that, students are able to learn on a global scale without ever leaving their classrooms. Classrooms are becoming more technologically involved than before. For example, the tablets not only offer students the chance to browse for information in quick fashions, but they also allow them to more easily collaborate on projects and become more engaged in their learning process. They have become exceptional tools that soon every classroom will strive to have in the aspect of mobile phones to be used in school. In addition to providing access to social media platforms which allow students to more freely interact, they also provide easy access to useful information and knowledge which betters a child’s overall learning experience. As compared to the past, one would need to flip the thick books in order to find the information they need. Now, students are able to attain information more efficiently. Also, access to education online has by far been the biggest advancement in education Like never before, students are able to access any type of information about any subject matter they choose. Asknlearn, YouTube, and numerous other forums have fuelled the learning experience and allowed student access to resources necessary to supplement their own education.

In conclusion, although technology brings enjoyment, convenience, and make life more luxurious for mankind, there are unfavourable impacts that did not benefit mankind at all. Such unfavourable impacts include people losing their jobs due to the work done by advanced machinery, people losing the experience and opportunities of having face to face conversation. In the area of food technology, although there are ways to prolong food, there are hidden health impacts which can be undesirable to mankind. Also, the addition of such an advanced gadget will cause psychological impacts to us unknowingly. Thus, I do not concur that technology only serves to benefit mankind since there are negative impacts that will not benefit man.