“The world would be a better place if religion did not exist.” What is your view?


Karl Marx once said that religion is the “opium of the masses”. By saying this Marx questioned the function of religion in society. Even today there are many liberals that religion divides people. To a certain extent, it is true because religion has been a cause of conflict in many societies in the past and the present. This makes it evident why people think that the world would be a better place if religion did not exist. However, this is a myopic view of religion because, despite its negatives, the positives cannot be ignored. Therefore, the world would not be a better place without religion because religion provides people with the necessary comfort, acts as a moral guide and offers people hope in an increasingly chaotic world.

Liberals believe that religion is the root of conflict in many societies. They believe that if religion did not exist, people would have been spared from numerous wars, riots and conflicts. To a certain extent, this is true because people have always used religion as a tool to incite violence. An example of this can be the Crusader war which was fought between the Christians and the Muslims, with an aim to capture the sacred places from the Muslims and to right wrongs done against Christianity. Similarly, other wars like the Thirty Years’ War was also a result of religion. Even in the present times religion is responsible for many conflicts and acts of terrorism within society. Be it in the form of the 9/11 attacks, in the form of atrocities committed against Rohingya Muslims or Hindus being mistreated in Pakistan, religion is at the root of all these conflicts. It is evident from these points that religion is often used as a tool to incite violence and justify atrocities done against people. Thus, liberals believe that religion should not exist in the world because it is the cause of unnecessary conflict in society and does not align with modern beliefs.

Many with liberal views also believe that religion should not exist because it conflicts with scientific ideas. Today many believe in science to the extent that science can be termed as a modern religion. Religion was previously used by many to explain natural phenomena and disasters like earthquakes, floods and famine. However, today many of these natural phenomena are explained by science and are no longer dependent on religious explanation. While religion gives explanations based on superstitions and faith. Science leads to objective truth. Critics of religion believe that religious beliefs if passed onto the next generation can hinder scientific developments. This is evident from the fact that religion even today hinders scientific progress where technologies like CRISPR are opposed by religious leaders and communities. In such cases, it becomes clear that denunciation of religion is necessary because it hinders logical and progressive thought. Therefore, the world without religion would be a better place as it would not clash with scientific ideas.

Opponents of religion also bring forth the fact that religion also influences political spheres. While in countries like the US and UK there is a distinction between the church and the state, it cannot be denied that religion does influence certain political agendas. For example, in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia, many laws are created and implemented keeping in mind the religious beliefs of the people. It can be said that these countries violate human rights within their countries. In fact, some of the most oppressive countries in the world use religion to influence and control people. This was also seen in classical times when the clergy were given the role of being consultants to the monarchs which led to the oppression of the serfs in the past. Religion when transcends from personal belief to influence political beliefs can lead to corruption of government and oppression of people. Religious corruption needs to be avoided so as to maintain a healthy and harmonious society. This is absolutely not possible if religion is influencing laws and policies that can affect all the people within the society. Thus, the world be a better place if religion did not exist as it can lead to corrupt and oppressive governance.

However, despite the negative impacts of religion, one cannot avoid the myriad of benefits it brings to society. Scientific discoveries are necessary and there should be little to no hindrance in scientific progress. However, one cannot deny that religion acts as a balance between science and what is right for society. Through genetic engineering can prove as a boon for people with diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s one cannot deny that it brings along a lot of ethical questions. After all, how can people justify bizarre transplants or the concept of designer babies? Religion acts as a restraint on scientific discoveries that can wreak havoc on humanity if left unregulated or unchecked. It can be said that religion helps to uphold moral and ethical values in society. Religion also acts as a moral compass for people who believe in religions as it is through religious teachings people know that stealing, lying or murdering is wrong. For example, in many religions like Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam there are guidelines for becoming a good human being. Thus, religion acts as a moral compass for scientific discoveries as well as for people within the society and makes the world relatively a better place.

Religion does act as a dividing factor in today’s world. However, one cannot deny that it also brings people together. In secular societies, all communities and religions are respected and people come together to celebrate important religious events. In Singapore, the festival of Thaipusam and Diwali is witnessed and celebrated by all regardless of race or religion. Similarly, around the world, people celebrate Christmas and Easter and participate in activities like Carol singing and dressing up as Santa Claus. In this sense, it can be said that religion fosters a deep understanding of various customs and traditions among people. As a result, people also come closer and feel a sense of belonging within the societies. The majority of the religion also propagates peace and harmony within the society. It can thus be said that it is not religion that leads to violence but the religious leaders who misconstrue religious doctrines to serve their own agendas. Thus, it can be said that religion if properly understood and practised can lead to a harmonious society and make the world a better place.

Religion also meets the emotional and spiritual needs of an individual. In an extremely chaotic world where people are surrounded by negativity, religion acts as an anchor which gives people hope. There have been many anecdotes where people have felt the power of religion impacting their lives in positive ways. Many times, we hear of incidents where the dead came back to life after incessant prayers for people recovering from debilitating diseases. Religion gives people hope and mental peace. From the singing of religious hymns to chanting of aum or meditating people have always felt a tranquillity which they cannot achieve from any other activity. Religion is helpful in improving the well-being of people. It is the religion that has the power to answer metaphysical questions about existence, suffering and the afterlife. Thus, religion is an important coping mechanism for most people and helps in making the world a better place.

In conclusion, despite its shortcomings, the positive impact of religion cannot be undermined. Religion has proved to be an efficient moral guide to people and has given them hope in turbulent times. Religion has contributed to society in moral, emotional and spiritual terms. Removal of religion from society would lead to feelings of chaos, insecurity and excesses.