The world has done enough to conserve the environment. Do you agree?

World has done enough to conserve the environment

Ever since the Industrial Revolution, rapid industrialisation in many countries had caused a lot of damage to the environment. Many forms of modernization have also contributed to environmental problems such as global warming and water pollution. In recent years, things such as the ozone layer depletion and the melting of glaciers in the North and South poles have raised an alarm to the world. As a result, man efforts were put in by the world to conserve the environment such as trying to reduce the number of emissions of greenhouse gases. However, I do not agree to the statement that the world has done enough to conserve the environment as there are contributors of environmental pollution being overlooked and several large-scale projects being carried out which are harmful to the environment.

Recently, there are indeed global efforts to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. For example, there is a treaty brought up by the United Nations to be signed by all countries to reduce their annual emission of carbon dioxide by a certain percentage. This is to try to bring down the global emission of greenhouse gases by a significant amount and is seen as a global effort to conserve the environment. However, it is not deemed as successful as main contributors of greenhouse gases such as the United States of America refused to sign the treaty. The reason for the refusal is because they are unhappy that rapidly industrializing countries such as China are only subjected to reduce by half the amount of that required of USA. Hence global efforts are hard to succeed as many countries are thinking of their own benefits above the benefits on the environment. Projects to conserve the environment may just be an empty proposal as countries are more concerned about their economic growth and are unwilling to compromise. Efforts are not put in enough especially by the developed countries and there is hardly any significant change to the environment through these projects.

In addition, there are many sources of pollution that are overlooked by the world. Underground activities and also activities carried out in rural areas of developing countries are slowing causing deadly harm to the environment as well. However, there are often overlooked by the world and nothing is done to prevent and reduce these activities. An example will be the disposal of high-tech trash. Every day, thousands of used computers and electronic gadgets are transported and dumped in rural areas of China, Indonesia and other developing countries. The job for many people there is usually to sell the copper obtained after burning away the rubber insulation with fire. This is a harmful process which emits carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and many other harmful gases. The process is repeated and carried out at a large scale in the villages as it is the livelihood of many. The consequences of this improper disposal of high-tech trash can be more deadly than those emitted from industries in a developed country. However, no efforts are done to stop transporting the high-tech trash or to stop this kind of trading copper for cheap cash. It will be a silent killer to the environment and conservation efforts are not covered at all in this aspect. In another village in China, waster like high-the trash is dumped into rivers while people living downstream consume the water every day. Water pollution done can be fatal and will increase collectively over the years if countries fail to discover and try to take action to prevent these from happening.

Furthermore, developed countries are still promoting environmentally unfriendly projects for their own economic benefit. Influential countries such as the US are not taking the lead and conserve the environment. This will cause a chain effort and many other countries are increasingly unwilling to compromise for conservation efforts. The adoption of nuclear power is a very good example. Nuclear power is a process where it emits a large scale of harmful gases and causes more environmental problems than the currently used fuel. If adopted totally by the US and put to use at a large scale, the environment will deplete at a faster rate than anyone would imagine. However, the US is unwilling to rethink about it and no follow up methods are done to reduce the number of harmful gases being emitted as well. Hence, half-hearted efforts by developed countries also make conservation efforts seem weak.

In conclusion, there is generally not enough effort put in by the world to conserve the environment. Many contributors to the pollution done are not recognized and dealt with while there is no full support from economically strong countries such as the US. The world is still not fully aware of the consequences that may come. If the countries do not try and start to conserve the environment now, the environment will be even depleted at a much faster rate and the damage done may be irreversible.