Do you think that the world is in a worse condition despite increased international cooperation?

Despite increased international cooperation, the world remains plagued by various issues, indicating that such efforts have not significantly improved global conditions.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Increased international cooperation promised a better world, but reality tells a different story.
  • Background: Rise of international cooperation through organisations like the UN and WHO.
  • Thesis Statement: Increased international cooperation has not necessarily improved the world’s condition.

II. Supporting View 1: Persisting Global Conflicts

  • Topic Sentence: Increased international cooperation has not resolved major global conflicts.
  • Example 1: Ongoing Syrian civil war (2011-present).
  • Example 2: Continued instability in Afghanistan (2014-present).
  • Example 3: Yemen’s humanitarian crisis (2014-present).
  • Analysis: These examples highlight the failure of international efforts to end conflicts.

III. Supporting View 2: Environmental Degradation

  • Topic Sentence: Environmental issues persist despite increased international cooperation.
  • Example 1: Limited success of the Paris Agreement (2015-present).
  • Example 2: Amazon rainforest deforestation in Brazil (2010s-present).
  • Example 3: Ocean pollution and marine life threats (2010s-present).
  • Analysis: These instances show the inadequacy of international cooperation in addressing environmental crises.

IV. Supporting View 3: Economic Inequality

  • Topic Sentence: Economic inequality remains a major issue worldwide.
  • Example 1: Worsening poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa (2010s-present).
  • Example 2: Economic disparity in India despite growth (2010s-present).
  • Example 3: Wealth inequality in Latin America (2010s-present).
  • Analysis: These cases illustrate that international cooperation has not effectively reduced economic disparities.

V. Opposing View 1: Health Improvements

  • Topic Sentence: International cooperation has improved global health.
  • Example 1: Eradication of polio in Africa (2020).
  • Example 2: Global response to COVID-19 vaccine distribution (2020-present).
  • Example 3: Reduction of malaria cases in Southeast Asia (2010s-present).
  • Analysis: These examples demonstrate significant health advancements due to international collaboration.

VI. Opposing View 2: Advancements in Human Rights

  • Topic Sentence: Increased international cooperation has advanced human rights.
  • Example 1: Legalisation of same-sex marriage in multiple countries (2010s-present).
  • Example 2: Global condemnation of human rights abuses in Myanmar (2017-present).
  • Example 3: Increased focus on gender equality in Scandinavian countries (2010s-present).
  • Analysis: These cases indicate the positive impact of international cooperation on human rights.

VII. Opposing View 3: Economic Growth and Development

  • Topic Sentence: Increased international cooperation has spurred economic growth.
  • Example 1: Economic growth in Southeast Asian nations (2010s-present).
  • Example 2: African Union’s efforts to boost trade within Africa (2013-present).
  • Example 3: EU’s economic support to Eastern European countries (2010s-present).
  • Analysis: These instances show how international cooperation has contributed to economic development.

VIII. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: Despite increased international cooperation, the world’s condition remains challenged.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Balancing continued cooperation with more effective strategies is crucial for global improvement.

Reading References:

  1. Stiglitz, Joseph E. Globalization and Its Discontents Revisited. W.W. Norton & Company, 2017.
  2. Diamond, Jared. Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis. Little, Brown and Company, 2019.

Affluence is as much a curse as a blessing. Discuss.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Wealth is often seen as the key to happiness.
  • Background: Overview of the advantages and disadvantages of affluence.
  • Thesis Statement: Affluence brings comfort and opportunities but also leads to social isolation and environmental harm, making it both a curse and a blessing.

II. Supporting View 1: Increased Comfort and Opportunities

  • Topic Sentence: Affluence provides comfort and numerous opportunities.
  • Example 1: In 2019, Singapore’s high-income citizens enjoyed excellent healthcare and education.
  • Example 2: In 2021, Qatar’s wealth funded state-of-the-art infrastructure and public services.
  • Example 3: In 2018, Switzerland’s affluent society benefited from high living standards and security.
  • Analysis: These examples show how wealth can improve quality of life and provide opportunities.

III. Supporting View 2: Ability to Support Others

  • Topic Sentence: Affluent individuals and nations can support others in need.
  • Example 1: In 2020, Norway donated significant funds for global COVID-19 relief.
  • Example 2: In 2018, the UAE provided extensive humanitarian aid to war-torn Yemen.
  • Example 3: In 2021, Germany funded various international development projects.
  • Analysis: These instances highlight how affluence enables support for less fortunate communities.

IV. Opposing View 1: Social Isolation and Mental Health Issues

  • Topic Sentence: Affluence can lead to social isolation and mental health problems.
  • Example 1: In 2021, reports from Japan showed high rates of loneliness among wealthy individuals.
  • Example 2: In 2019, South Korea saw a rise in mental health issues among its affluent youth.
  • Example 3: In 2018, the UK reported increased depression rates in wealthy areas.
  • Analysis: These examples illustrate how wealth can lead to social isolation and mental health struggles.

V. Opposing View 2: Environmental Impact

  • Topic Sentence: Affluence contributes to significant environmental damage.
  • Example 1: In 2020, China’s rapid industrialisation led to severe air pollution.
  • Example 2: In 2019, the UAE’s high consumption rates resulted in significant waste production.
  • Example 3: In 2021, Australia’s affluent lifestyle contributed to large carbon footprints.
  • Analysis: These instances demonstrate how affluent lifestyles can harm the environment.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: Affluence brings comfort and opportunities but also leads to social isolation and environmental harm, making it both a curse and a blessing.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Balance the pursuit of wealth with awareness of its potential drawbacks.

A picture is more powerful than words. Discuss.

Though many might believe that pictures hold a greater power, the claim is not completely justified. This is because words tend to be more influential as it has the power to influence people mentally and emotionally.

Technological advancements in the modern age have allowed people to have access to media more than ever before. Through apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Tumblr, people can share and view images which are mundane to the mind-boggling. A picture is more powerful than words.

Critics of words suggest that images have more power than words because they capture the imagination of society in an impactful manner. There is little doubt that images are considered more creative than words and have contributed largely to the society in positive ways. For example, the artist Banksy is known to highlight powerful messages through his art. Similarly, in the earlier times many artists like Goya, Picasso and Jacques Louis David had tried to revolutionize the world through their art. Photographs like A Man on the Moon or Steve McCurry’s Afghan Girl are considered important images that has changed the course of history. Photographs have also captured the horrors of war which has led to huge emotional response. Notable photographs include the Napalm Girl, which showed the impact of American war in Vietnam. Thus, it can be said that images have exposed the horrors that exist in the world. As such, a picture is more powerful than words.

Critics  of pictures valiantly promote the view that despite the allure of pictures and videos, words still hold a significant place. They explify their stand by citing the ever increasing sales of novels, books and magazines. For example, J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter is still popular; books like 1984 by George Orwell and Killing a Mockingbird by Harper Lee continue to leave a lasting impact on new audiences. Words are a powerful medium is also evident from the fact that, people continue to buy self-help books. For example books like “You can heal your Life” by Louise Hay and “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho have sold millions of copies and continue to inspire people and guide them to live a successful and happy life. Words are an elixer that soothes the mind and soul. Hence, pictures are not always more powerful.

However, pictures do not always convey the intended meaning and sometimes the people fail to connect with pictures on an emotional level. Words have a more lasting impact and can stand the test of time. For example, Shakespeare’s plays like Hamlet, The Last Lear and As you Like, use words that evoke a series of emotions that people can still relate to in present times. The mastery of his words continues to inspire and impress people around the world even today. In fact, many phrases used by people in daily life are actually from Shakespeare’s plays. His dialogues like “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” are repeated and considered a metaphor for life even today.

Images of Mahatma Gandhi exemplify peaceful resistance. The famed head portrait of Che Guevera subliminally depict the fight against oppression. When Malala Yousufzai’s or Greta Thunberg’s stand to deliver the views, it is images that we first connect to, not words. Historically, the mushroom cloud over Hiroshima is still etched in all our minds. In more contemporary times, the incessant media coverage on Trump has painted in our minds a certain view of him. It is pictures that move and mould our thinking. Not words. A picture is more powerful than words.

No single word has changed the world, but a single picture has.