Libraries have always played an important role in society by disseminating knowledge and information. However, the advent of technology has made it possible for people to use a digital library of their own. With such technological advancements like ebooks, online research papers and digital encyclopaedias people have started to question the relevance of the library. While some believe that the library has no relevance in technologically advanced society today, there are others who believe that libraries are still needed as safe haven for knowledge and information. Libraries still have a role to play in society and act as a physical reservoir of knowledge and community builder.
Critics believe that libraries have lost their significance in society. They argue that in the day and age of the internet where information is available at our fingertips, libraries have already become obsolete. With high-speed internet and various knowledge repositories online, people rarely visit the library to seek information. The critics further cite that books in libraries can be old, torn and published in tiny illegible fonts. Leaning on every possibility, these modern-day curmudgeons suggest that books are bad for the environment as there is a large carbon footprint associated with their production and maintenance. eBooks and digital content, on the other hand, provide people with the convenience to adjust the font size and increase brightness leading to an optimal reading experience. Technological advancements have allowed people from different countries to access content from any part of the world. This accessibility is rare to find in libraries, where people might have to travel to different libraries to seek the information they need. As such many critics believe that the library does not have any role left to play in society.
The reality, however, is that the internet with all its benefits also comes with flaws. The myriad of information that the internet provides is not always accurate. On the other hand, libraries have played an instrumental role in providing access to huge resources of information and knowledge that are accurate. Many of the works in the libraries are published by renowned authors whose work goes through quality checks before being published. The public library forms an essential part of fostering an educated and literate population. Libraries provide reliable sources of information instead of the internet which can be considered wild west in terms of accuracy. This is because information curated and provided can be from anyone. For example, popular website Wikipedia that is accessible to all which also gives the ability for anyone, anywhere, to edit Wikipedia entries making it unreliable and flawed. Therefore, even in a technologically advanced society, where reading and seeking information has changed, libraries play an important role in providing spaces to reliable information.
Libraries also have a role in bringing communities together. Apart from playing the role of book repositories libraries are critical to bringing closer communities in society. Libraries provide a space for communities to interact and engage with each other. Through their community programs, direct librarian assistance and basic internet access, libraries provide equal opportunities to access information and decrease the digital divide. Libraries are community hubs today where people of different ages and classes can be catered to. Whether it is a family looking for a fun storytime or an immigrant in need of language resources libraries fulfil people’s need to learn together. For example, the National Library in Singapore in an effort to strengthen the command of mother tongues has set up several mother tongue language reading clubs for children in libraries across the island. Thus, libraries play an important role in bringing communities together and thus are important in our technological society.
Libraries also give people the opportunity to experience something tangible. Not all people are comfortable reading books on devices like Kindle, Ipads or smartphones. There are many readers who need the experience of holding a book in their hand and flipping through the pages. The library fulfils this very need of the people by providing them something tangible. This is especially true in cases where people are interested in reading classics like Shakespeare or Hemingway, which feel more authentic on paper than on screen. Furthermore, libraries allow access to old newspaper articles and other resources which cannot be found on the internet. Thus, the library holds a different kind of aura which can transport people to another era through access to different types of resources which simply cannot be found today.
It is clear to see that libraries have an important role to play even in today’s society. Libraries provide people with resources and bridge the knowledge divide. Libraries are not only instrumental as reservoirs of knowledge but are also essential in bringing communities together. Libraries cannot be replaced in society as it still holds a special place in people’s hearts and minds.