Today, health warnings are everywhere: on cigarettes, alcohol and even food. How effective are such warnings?

health warnings

Points for and against health warnings are everywhere and their effectiveness.

• The authorities have a statutory duty to inform the public about dangers to health
• It is the responsibility of professionals to alert both the public and government; scientists, researchers and so on
• Irrespective of GDP and profit multinationals have a duty of care
• Dramatic decrease in smoking at least in the developed world
Growing public concern about sugar intake
• Target groups need to be identified and where addressed effectively things have improved.
• Pregnant women and mothers are more aware
• Why are health warnings not so effective in some places?
• Pricing is more important than anything else
• Danger of people becoming immune to horrific depictions of consequences of addiction
• Resentment of the “nanny state”
• Better to address root causes; stress, poverty etc.
• Confusion as to what is good or bad
• Alternative strategies; use of role models, promotion of sport and exercise, self-help groups, making therapeutic intervention widely available at no cost

Author: GpAdmin

I live Gp.