• consider the extent to which timed examinations are fair
• evaluate the effectiveness of other methods of assessment
• make a judgement, based on the consideration of the evidence and argument put forward.
• timed examinations only assess a portion of the taught content of a course
• how time restrictions limit students’ thinking and ability to develop ideas, adding unnecessary pressure
• revising and cramming means material is stored in the short-term memory
• the added value of work-based and continuous assessment showing what people can really do
• there being evidence that the focus and time pressure in examinations often yield a high standard of work
• the examination being a level playing field where everybody is in the same position and therefore it is fair
• the nature of formal examinations minimising the potential for copying or cheating
• examinations often being marked externally which is fairer than internal assessment.
To what extent are timed examinations a fair means of assessment?