“The Road Less Travelled” (M. Scott Peck) Is being different overrated?

Is being different overrated?

In the modern world, people believe that being unique is a gift. Since a very young age, people are encouraged to be different so that they can achieve greater things in life. On the other hand, there are people who believe that being different is overrated. They argue that society values sameness and being different leads person being excluded and teased by people. Disagreeing with this view it can be said that being different and celebrating people’s uniqueness is not overrated. This is because individuals need to be different so that they can bring unique skills and ideas that can lead to the development of a society. Therefore, being different is not overrated.

When a country chooses to be different than others then it can reap economic benefits. With a changing environment, it is important to be different. Singapore is an example of this. Singapore initially had an entrepot economy but when other countries like Hongkong were adopting the same policy, the country realised the need to be different. Singapore encouraged a diverse economy and free trade, which helped Singapore attract a free flow of foreign investment and multinational giants. ​Today, the economic development of Singapore is considered to be one of the greatest success stories in history. Furthermore, Singapore has become the only Asian country to achieve a higher per capita gross domestic product than the United States because of its emphasis on diversification and innovation. If the country did not adopt a different economic policy then it would have not achieved the success that it enjoys today. Therefore, being different is not as overrated as in terms of a country it can help it to benefit economically.

Being different also leads to innovation and unique business ideas. Most businessmen who are successful have always been different in their idiosyncrasies. They have strived to create something that is unique and valuable. For example, if Steve Jobs did not have a different business plan and an innovative product to offer it would have not been as successful as it is today. Steve Jobs emphasis on innovation, expanded the company into new areas, including the music industry and redefined the world of mobile phones. Similarly, being unique allows people to come up with innovative solutions. For example, Colonel Sanders adopted the usage of pressure fryer instead of an iron skillet to create a fried chicken recipe that the world enjoys today. If he had not come up with a different approach and idea to change a simple recipe it would not have allowed him to become successful at the age of 74. Thus, being different is necessary is it leads to innovative and creative ideas that can benefit the world.

Being different allows to keep the artistic culture alive in a country. In many rich countries, people are encouraged to take up science and maths as they are considered profitable in the long-term. However, people who are different and follow their passion in the field of arts can benefit society in a unique way. People who work in the arts sector like design, painting, fashion and photography help to keep the culture of a country alive and vibrant. Furthermore, if everyone took up science and maths there would not be enough diversity in the workforce. Moreover, if everyone was a scientist and a mathematician the job market would be saturated which would drive up unemployment. Thus, it is necessary to be different even while selecting careers and take the road that is less travelled as it helps people to succeed.

Some might argue that being different is not always as good as society values sameness. This is true to a certain extent because people are often bullied or treated differently because of their uniqueness. An example of this can be seen across societies where people from different cultures, religions, genders, ethnicities and nationalities are treated differently. There are multiple incidents in schools where children are bullied and teased for being different. Critics argue that being different is overrated because it leads to exclusion and bullying.

However, these differences and discrimination can be a driving force for some to do something different. People who choose to be different in the face of adversity can inspire others to be different. For example, Malala Yousafzai chose to stand for the right of girls to gain an education after the Taliban had banned them from attending school. She was shot in the head but survived the attack and is doing pioneering work for girl’s education. Similarly, Nelson Mandela led the fight against South Africa’s apartheid regime – a system of racial segregation which oppressed the black majority. However, his methods inspired others to go from racism to pluralism without stopping for revenge. Therefore, being different allows people to offer new perspectives, and actions that are instrumental in positively impacting the world.

In conclusion, being different is not overrated to a large extent. Being different is necessary so that the individual can contribute to society in unique ways. Furthermore, if countries are different in their policies then it can lead to the economic and social development of countries. It is true that being different can come with its unique set of challenges however what is needed is to adapt and face the challenges and continue to inspire others.