‘The way we choose to furnish and decorate our homes reflects who we are.’ How true is this statement?

the way we choose to furnish and decorate our homes

Points for/against the way we choose to furnish and decorate our homes reflect who we are

• Suggests interests abroad/travel (Italian furniture/traditional carvings/tropical plants)
• Religion/culture
• the way we choose to furnish and decorate our homes suggests wealth/superiority
• Eccentric/quirky
• Artistic/creative
• Reading/learning
• Where we live (climate)
• Conscious of the environment (eco-friendly materials)
• Taste/personality/attitude/materialism etc.
• Could just reflect budget/poverty/lack of interest
• Pragmatism
• Rented, already furnished/decorated room, which cannot be changed
Environment (house on stilts)
• Energy saving (solar panels)