‘Earnings should reflect the status and usefulness of jobs.’ Discuss.

status and usefulness of jobs

Is it true that earnings should reflect the status and usefulness of jobs

• Reflects training and education
• Degree of responsibility
• Earnings have to attract appropriately qualified people
• Earnings as a motivator
• How is ‘useful’ defined?
• Supply and demand (scarce tradesmen can become high status and
can demand high earnings hence more useful)
Diverse vacancies need to be filled and could be considered as of equal
• Depends on the traditions, philosophies and regimes of a country
(should a doctor get paid the same as a cleaner as both jobs could be
seen as having equal usefulness)
• High-status jobs (university lecturer) can be relatively low paid as
status/job satisfaction are reward enough
• Where does this place bankers/stockbrokers/bureaucrats?
• Do status and usefulness of jobs go together?

Author: GpAdmin

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