Essay Questions on Globalisation

Essay Questions on Globalisation

GP Essay Questions on Globalisation. Have a look at these GP Essay Questions on Globalisation from the past papers

  1. How can we build up the friendship between nations?
  2. Is it ever right for one country to become involved in the internal affairs of another?
  3. To what extent should richer nations help poorer ones?
  4. Discuss the extent to which global and national interests can be balanced.
  5. Can small countries have a significant voice in world affairs?
  6. ‘National boundaries make little geographical or economic sense nowadays.’ Discuss.
  7. How far do physical features, such as size and location, determine a country’s progress?
  8. Does the presence of a foreign power ever help a country with problems?
  9. How effective are international efforts to ease the problem of global hunger?
  10. Is the elimination of global poverty a realistic aim?
  11. ‘The world would be a better place if everyone spoke the same language.’ How far do you agree?
  12. To what extent does the migration of people have a positive effect?
  13. Should poorer countries develop their tourist industry when the basic needs of their own people are not being met?
  14. How far would a universal language be valuable and practical?
  15. Is there still a place for charity in today’s globalised world?