Essay Questions 2/100

Essay Questions

Essay Questions Collection from Past Prelims. These are the essay questions from various JC’s past prelims.

  1. To what extent has technology had a negative impact on work-life balance in your society?
  2. Is less regulation always desirable?
  3. ‘Everyone is talking but no one is listening.’ Is this a fair comment on the new media?
  4. ‘The future of your society lies in the sciences rather than the arts.’ What is your view?
  5. ‘There is nothing to fear from failure.’ Do you agree?
  6. ‘The rise of women means the displacement of men.’ Discuss.
  7. Should government policies be concerned mainly with economic gains? Discuss with reference to your society.
  8. Is a world without racial conflict an impossible dream?
  9. ‘Mind your own business.’ To what extent is this good advice today?
  10. ‘Technology provides assurance in a world fraught with uncertainty and insecurity.’ Do you agree?
  11. ‘The success of social media is also its problem.’ Comment.
  12. ‘Educating for the future should focus not on academic excellence but on values.’ Do you agree?