
Poverty is the greatest enemy of the environment. Is this true?

Poverty can significantly impact the environment by driving unsustainable practices, but it is not the sole or greatest factor.

Poverty can significantly impact the environment by driving unsustainable practices, but it is not the sole or greatest factor. Other elements, such as industrial activities and policy failures, also play critical roles.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Poverty plunges the environment and ecosystem into dispair and destruction. Critics opine that poverty can significantly impact the environment.
  • Background: Overview of factors affecting the environment, defining modern living and its typical impacts.
  • Thesis Statement: Poverty significantly impacts the environment, but industrial activities and policy failures are also crucial contributors.

II. Supporting View 1: Poverty Drives Unsustainable Practices

  • Topic Sentence: Poverty can significantly impact the environment, as poverty is a key factor driving unsustainable environmental practices.
  • Example 1: Deforestation in Madagascar (2020) due to slash-and-burn agriculture for survival. Poor farmers clear forests for farmland, leading to habitat loss (source: Reuters, 2020).
  • Example 2: Overfishing in Ghana (2019) as impoverished communities rely on fishing for income. Depleted fish stocks harm marine ecosystems (source: BBC, 2019).
  • Example 3: Charcoal production in Kenya (2021) due to lack of affordable energy sources. Deforestation and soil erosion result from extensive charcoal burning (source: Al Jazeera, 2021).
  • Analysis: Poverty forces communities into practices that degrade the environment.
  • Counterargument: Economic development can mitigate these practices by providing alternatives. Countries like Kenya and Ghana are making progress towards eliminating practices that impact the environment.

III. Supporting View 2: Lack of Resources for Sustainable Alternatives

  • Topic Sentence: Poverty can significantly impact the environment as poverty limits access to sustainable alternatives, exacerbating environmental damage.
  • Example 1: India’s dependence on biomass for cooking (2019) due to poverty. Indoor air pollution and deforestation from using wood and dung (source: The Hindu, 2019).
  • Example 2: Indonesia’s illegal logging (2021) driven by economic hardship. Forests are cleared for timber and agriculture to support livelihoods (source: BBC, 2021). [Countries still cutting down trees].
  • Example 3: Waste management issues in Nigeria (2020) due to lack of infrastructure. Poor waste disposal practices lead to pollution and health hazards (source: The Guardian, 2020).
  • Analysis: Economic constraints hinder the adoption of environmentally friendly practices.
  • Counterargument: Governments and NGOs are working to provide cleaner alternatives. There are many NGOs that have sprouted to help the cause.

IV. Supporting View 3: Immediate Survival Needs Over Long-term Conservation

  • Topic Sentence: Poverty can significantly impact the environment as poverty prioritises immediate survival over long-term environmental conservation.
  • Example 1: Subsistence farming in Nepal (2019) leads to soil degradation and deforestation. Farmers clear land to grow food, impacting biodiversity (source: Reuters, 2019).
  • Example 2: Poaching in Zimbabwe (2020) driven by economic desperation. Endangered species are hunted for income, threatening biodiversity (source: BBC, 2020).
  • Example 3: Pollution from informal settlements in South Africa (2021) due to lack of sanitation. Waste and pollution increase with unplanned urban growth (source: Al Jazeera, 2021).
  • Analysis: The focus on immediate needs overshadows environmental conservation efforts.
  • Counterargument: Sustainable farming initiatives are being introduced to mitigate this impact.

V. Opposing View 1: Industrial Activities as the Main Factor

  • Topic Sentence: Industrial activities are the main factor responsible for environmental degradation, not poverty.
  • Example 1: China’s industrial pollution (2019) despite economic growth. Factories contribute significantly to air and water pollution (source: various).
  • Example 2: Brazil’s Amazon deforestation (2020) driven by agribusiness. Large-scale farming and logging by corporations (source: Reuters, 2020) even if deforestation has slowed down significantly (BBC, 2024) the impact is significant (check out ‘Tipping Point’ by Time Magazine).
  • Example 3: Oil spills in Nigeria (2021) caused by multinational companies. Environmental damage from oil extraction and spills (source: BBC, 2021).
  • Analysis: Industrial activities cause extensive environmental harm, often more than poverty-driven practices.
  • Case Study: Include specific pollution statistics from major industrial cities.

VI. Opposing View 2: Policy Failures as a Key Factor

  • Topic Sentence: Policy failures are a key factor in environmental degradation.
  • Example 1: Deforestation in Indonesia (2020) due to weak enforcement of environmental laws. Illegal logging continues unchecked, harming ecosystems (source: The Guardian, 2020).
  • Example 2: Air pollution in India (2021) exacerbated by ineffective regulation. Poor enforcement of pollution controls leads to severe air quality issues (source: Reuters, 2021).
  • Example 3: Water pollution in Bangladesh (2019) from inadequate waste management policies. Rivers and water bodies contaminated by industrial waste (source: BBC, 2019).
  • Analysis: Weak policies and enforcement contribute significantly to environmental issues.
  • Case Study: Analyze the impact of weak policies on specific regions.

VII. Opposing View 3: Technological and Consumption Patterns

  • Topic Sentence: Modern consumption patterns and technological advancements are significant factors.
  • Example 1: Electronic waste in Ghana (2021) from global tech consumption. Imported e-waste leads to toxic pollution and health risks (source: Al Jazeera, 2021).
  • Example 2: Plastic pollution in the Philippines (2020) from global consumer habits. Ocean and coastal pollution from discarded plastics (source: The Guardian, 2020).
  • Example 3: Urban air pollution in South Korea (2019) due to high vehicle usage. Traffic emissions severely impact air quality (source: Reuters, 2019).
  • Analysis: Consumption and technology use in wealthier societies heavily impact the environment.
  • Case Study: Detail the lifecycle of electronic products and their environmental impact.

VIII. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: Poverty significantly impacts the environment, but industrial activities and policy failures are also crucial contributors.
  • Summary of Key Points: High consumption, energy use, urbanisation versus sustainable practices, technological innovation, policy changes.
  • Call to Action: Suggest specific steps individuals, governments, and organizations can take to balance modern living with environmental sustainability.
  • Final Thought: Addressing environmental degradation requires tackling both poverty and other significant factors.

Reading References:

  1. World Economic Forum – AGOA 2023
  2. The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming” by David Wallace-Wells, 2019.
  3. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History” by Elizabeth Kolbert, 2014.
  4. For the Greta Thunberg in your life“.

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A good leader must be a good follower. Is this necessarily true?

A good leader often benefits from being a good follower, gaining essential skills and insights. However, leadership also requires independent thinking and decisive action, which do not always align with the premise of the question.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Leadership and followership are often seen as opposing roles.
  • Background: Brief overview of leadership qualities and the importance of followership.
  • Thesis Statement: A good leader often benefits from being a good follower, gaining essential skills and insights. However, leadership also requires independent thinking and decisive action, which do not always align with following.

II. Supporting View 1: Understanding Team Dynamics

  • Topic Sentence: Good followers understand team dynamics, which is crucial for effective leadership.
  • Example 1: In 2020, Jacinda Ardern’s collaborative approach in New Zealand showed strong team dynamics.
  • Example 2: In 2018, Emmanuel Macron’s rise involved understanding and working within different political groups in France.
  • Example 3: In 2021, Sanna Marin’s leadership in Finland highlighted her ability to engage with her team.
  • Analysis: These examples show that understanding team dynamics enhances leadership effectiveness.

III. Supporting View 2: Empathy and Support

  • Topic Sentence: Good followers develop empathy and the ability to support others, crucial for leaders.
  • Example 1: In 2017, Angela Merkel’s empathetic response to the refugee crisis showed her understanding of people’s needs in Germany.
  • Example 2: In 2019, Justin Trudeau’s supportive policies in Canada demonstrated empathy.
  • Example 3: In 2018, Leo Varadkar’s leadership in Ireland reflected his supportive approach to social issues.
  • Analysis: These cases illustrate how empathy and support are vital leadership qualities developed through good followership.

IV. Supporting View 3: Learning from Leaders

  • Topic Sentence: Good followers learn from their leaders, which is essential for their own leadership development.
  • Example 1: In 2018, Theresa May’s experience under David Cameron in the UK shaped her leadership.
  • Example 2: In 2019, Japan’s Shinzo Abe benefited from his early political roles.
  • Example 3: In 2020, Pedro Sánchez of Spain grew through his political experiences.
  • Analysis: These examples highlight how learning from leaders can prepare individuals for their own leadership roles.

V. Opposing View 1: Independent Thinking

  • Topic Sentence: Leadership requires independent thinking, which does not always align with being a follower.
  • Example 1: In 2019, Narendra Modi’s decisive actions in India showed independent leadership.
  • Example 2: In 2018, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman demonstrated independent, sometimes controversial, decisions.
  • Example 3: In 2020, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky showed strong independent leadership in crisis.
  • Analysis: These cases demonstrate how independent thinking is crucial for effective leadership.

VI. Opposing View 2: Decisiveness and Authority

  • Topic Sentence: Leaders need to make decisive and authoritative decisions, which followers may not always do.
  • Example 1: In 2021, Boris Johnson’s handling of the UK’s COVID-19 response required decisive leadership.
  • Example 2: In 2020, South Korea’s Moon Jae-in took decisive actions against COVID-19.
  • Example 3: In 2019, Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed’s peace efforts required authoritative decisions.
  • Analysis: These instances show that decisiveness and authority are essential for leadership, sometimes contrasting with followership.

VII. Opposing View 3: Vision and Innovation

  • Topic Sentence: Effective leaders often have a vision and drive innovation, which followers may lack.
  • Example 1: In 2020, Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen showed innovative leadership in technology and health.
  • Example 2: In 2018, Rwanda’s Paul Kagame led with a vision for technological advancement.
  • Analysis: These examples illustrate that having a vision and driving innovation are key leadership traits.

VIII. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: While being a good follower can enhance leadership skills, effective leadership also requires independent thinking, decisiveness, and vision.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: A balanced approach that integrates followership experiences with independent leadership traits is ideal.

This essay is overly focused on politicians and may not score well, although it has many examples. It is important to provide a broad perspective of where leaders are needed. Leaders can be found in schools, the military, prisons, and any place where hierarchies are required, i.e., even at home.

Affluence is as much a curse as a blessing. Discuss.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Wealth is often seen as the key to happiness.
  • Background: Overview of the advantages and disadvantages of affluence.
  • Thesis Statement: Affluence brings comfort and opportunities but also leads to social isolation and environmental harm, making it both a curse and a blessing.

II. Supporting View 1: Increased Comfort and Opportunities

  • Topic Sentence: Affluence provides comfort and numerous opportunities.
  • Example 1: In 2019, Singapore’s high-income citizens enjoyed excellent healthcare and education.
  • Example 2: In 2021, Qatar’s wealth funded state-of-the-art infrastructure and public services.
  • Example 3: In 2018, Switzerland’s affluent society benefited from high living standards and security.
  • Analysis: These examples show how wealth can improve quality of life and provide opportunities.

III. Supporting View 2: Ability to Support Others

  • Topic Sentence: Affluent individuals and nations can support others in need.
  • Example 1: In 2020, Norway donated significant funds for global COVID-19 relief.
  • Example 2: In 2018, the UAE provided extensive humanitarian aid to war-torn Yemen.
  • Example 3: In 2021, Germany funded various international development projects.
  • Analysis: These instances highlight how affluence enables support for less fortunate communities.

IV. Opposing View 1: Social Isolation and Mental Health Issues

  • Topic Sentence: Affluence can lead to social isolation and mental health problems.
  • Example 1: In 2021, reports from Japan showed high rates of loneliness among wealthy individuals.
  • Example 2: In 2019, South Korea saw a rise in mental health issues among its affluent youth.
  • Example 3: In 2018, the UK reported increased depression rates in wealthy areas.
  • Analysis: These examples illustrate how wealth can lead to social isolation and mental health struggles.

V. Opposing View 2: Environmental Impact

  • Topic Sentence: Affluence contributes to significant environmental damage.
  • Example 1: In 2020, China’s rapid industrialisation led to severe air pollution.
  • Example 2: In 2019, the UAE’s high consumption rates resulted in significant waste production.
  • Example 3: In 2021, Australia’s affluent lifestyle contributed to large carbon footprints.
  • Analysis: These instances demonstrate how affluent lifestyles can harm the environment.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: Affluence brings comfort and opportunities but also leads to social isolation and environmental harm, making it both a curse and a blessing.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Balance the pursuit of wealth with awareness of its potential drawbacks.

Compre Practice 4

This passage, suitable for 17-18 year olds, has MCQ options to help students correlate their thinking. The passage is about the influence of television soaps.

Consider reading the following essay before attempting the comprehension exercise.

Interesting reading from the BBC on how soaps changed the world, and if soaps are in danger of extinction. Let us also investigate the allure of Korean soaps and the sympathy for K-Drama.

Is the cost of developing a national identity too high?

The cost of developing a national identity can be high due to potential social and economic conflicts. However, it is essential for unity and cultural preservation.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: National identity shapes a nation’s character and values.
  • Background: Overview of the importance and costs of developing national identity.
  • Thesis Statement: The cost of developing a national identity can be high due to potential social and economic conflicts. However, it is essential for unity and cultural preservation.

II. Supporting View 1: Social Conflict

  • Topic Sentence: Developing a national identity can lead to social conflict.
  • Example 1: In 2017, Catalonia’s push for independence caused severe tension in Spain.
  • Example 2: In 2014, Scotland’s independence referendum divided the UK.
  • Example 3: In 2019, the Hong Kong protests highlighted identity struggles within China.
  • Analysis: These examples show how efforts to develop national identity can cause social unrest and division.

III. Supporting View 2: Economic Costs

  • Topic Sentence: Developing a national identity can incur significant economic costs.
  • Example 1: In 2016, Brexit led to economic uncertainty in the UK.
  • Example 2: In 2018, Italy’s nationalist policies strained its economy and EU relations.
  • Example 3: In 2020, India’s national identity campaigns, like “Make in India,” faced economic challenges.
  • Analysis: These instances demonstrate how national identity efforts can lead to substantial economic costs.

IV. Opposing View 1: Unity and Social Cohesion

  • Topic Sentence: National identity fosters unity and social cohesion.
  • Example 1: In 2021, Japan’s Olympics fostered national pride and unity.
  • Example 2: In 2018, France’s World Cup victory boosted national morale.
  • Example 3: In 2017, Finland’s centenary celebrations reinforced national unity.
  • Analysis: These examples illustrate how a strong national identity can bring people together and foster a sense of belonging.

V. Opposing View 2: Cultural Preservation

  • Topic Sentence: Developing a national identity helps preserve cultural heritage.
  • Example 1: In 2021, South Korea promoted its cultural heritage through K-pop and K-dramas.
  • Example 2: In 2016, India celebrated its cultural diversity through various national initiatives.
  • Example 3: In 2020, Ireland’s cultural festivals reinforced its unique identity.
  • Analysis: These instances highlight how national identity efforts help preserve and promote cultural heritage.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: While developing a national identity can be costly due to social and economic conflicts, it is essential for unity and cultural preservation.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Balance efforts to foster national identity with strategies to mitigate social and economic costs.

Online playing of games can enhance language acquisition. Discuss other aspects of gaming that may be beneficial.

Possible points for/against the claim that Online playing of games can enhance language acquisition

• Replaces social activity with friends and family
• Expensive
• Some argue that online playing of games can induce poor behaviour
• Can be used for education
• Can develop thinking skills
• Can enhance problem solving ability
• Sharpen our reactions
• Develops a competitive spirit
• Can provide links to literature and film
• More active than watching TV
• Some online activities include working with others
• Can be bad for health – not leading an active lifestyle
• Can become divorced from reality
• May lead to crime if no money to buy equipment

Examine the claim that patriotism is of little value in modern times.

While some argue that patriotism has diminished in value due to globalisation and modern challenges, others believe it remains essential for national unity and identity.

I. Introduction

  • Hook: Patriotism is often debated in today’s globalised world.
  • Background: Overview of patriotism’s role historically and in contemporary society.
  • Thesis Statement: While some argue that patriotism has diminished in value due to globalisation and modern challenges, others believe it remains essential for national unity and identity.

II. Supporting View 1: Globalisation Reduces Patriotism

  • Topic Sentence: Globalisation diminishes the value of patriotism.
  • Example 1: In 2016, the Brexit debate highlighted how globalisation challenges national loyalty in the UK.
  • Example 2: In 2020, protests in Hong Kong emphasised a struggle between local identity and global influences.
  • Example 3: In 2018, the Catalonia independence movement showed the conflict between regionalism and national loyalty in Spain.
  • Analysis: These examples show how globalisation and regional identities challenge traditional patriotism.

III. Supporting View 2: Modern Challenges Outweigh Patriotism

  • Topic Sentence: Modern challenges make patriotism seem less relevant.
  • Example 1: In 2021, climate change protests in Germany prioritised global environmental issues over national pride.
  • Example 2: In 2019, the refugee crisis in Europe raised questions about national borders versus humanitarian concerns.
  • Example 3: In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic required global cooperation, reducing focus on national interests.
  • Analysis: These instances illustrate how pressing global issues can overshadow patriotic sentiments.

IV. Opposing View 1: Patriotism Promotes National Unity

  • Topic Sentence: Patriotism fosters national unity and social cohesion.
  • Example 1: In 2021, the UK’s response to COVID-19 saw a surge in national unity and support for the NHS.
  • Example 2: In 2018, the French rallied together during the World Cup, boosting national pride and unity.
  • Example 3: In 2020, Japan’s Olympics preparations highlighted patriotism and collective effort.
  • Analysis: These examples show how patriotism can bring people together, fostering unity and pride.

V. Opposing View 2: Patriotism Maintains National Identity

  • Topic Sentence: Patriotism helps maintain and celebrate national identity.
  • Example 1: In 2017, India’s celebration of Independence Day highlighted its cultural heritage and unity.
  • Example 2: In 2020, Russia’s Victory Day parade reinforced national pride and historical remembrance.
  • Example 3: In 2019, Australia Day celebrated national achievements and identity despite controversies.
  • Analysis: These instances demonstrate how patriotism sustains national identity and cultural values.

VI. Conclusion

  • Restate Thesis: While globalisation and modern challenges may reduce patriotism’s perceived value, it remains crucial for national unity and identity.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main supporting and opposing views.
  • Final Thought: Balance global cooperation with national pride to navigate modern complexities.